Santa Clara County












            As a contractor and builder Mr. Morrison has established a reputation for himself in his home town of Santa Clara and the surrounding country, where many evidences of his skill and workmanship may be seen. Thoroughly drilled in the carpenter’s trade in early boyhood, he is an adept in that occupation and thus laid the foundation for successful work in the line of contracting. As a partner in business he has his brother, Angus

R. Morrison, and the two are known all through this section of country as reliable, accurate and trustworthy contractors. Their contracts are principally for residences and they excel in the construction of houses suited to this climate and environment, but in addition they have had many contracts for building of a public nature or for business purposes.

            In Ontario, Canada, Kenneth Morrison was born February 4, 1866, being the third among eight sons and four daughters, whose parents John D. and Mary (Cameron) Morrison, are natives of Canada and now residents of Santa Clara. The father has been a lifelong follower of the carpenter’s trade and, although now sixty-five years of age, has not entirely retired from the occupation, but is still to be seen assisting in the construction of buildings in his home city. After attending school during early childhood years Kenneth Morrison was apprenticed to the carpenter’s trade under his father, whose careful oversight and efficient training made him a skilled workman at an early age. Not desiring to remain in Canada permanently, in 1891 he crossed the border into the states. Immediately thereafter he settled in California, where he secured employment at his trade in the city of Oakland. Since 1893 he has made his home in Santa Clara, where he has risen from carpentering by the day to the business of a contractor. A careful, conscientious workman, those who have once availed themselves of his services testify as to his skill and fidelity.

            The marriage of Mr. Morrison, in San Francisco, united him with Miss Christie Munroe, who was born in Ontario, Canada. The only child of their union, David Munroe, is deceased. Since coming to the United States Mr. Morrison has not affiliated with any political party, but has voted for the men and measures he believes best calculated to advance the welfare of his community. In religion he is identified with the Santa Clara Presbyterian Church. Being a gentleman of genial disposition and social qualities, he enjoys the activities of fraternal organizations, and is prominent in the workings of the Modern Woodmen of America, the Fraternal Aid Association, Liberty Lodge No. 299, F. & A. M., and the Eastern Star of Santa Clara; also Santa Clara Lodge No. 52, I. O. O. F., the Encampment and the Order of Rebekahs.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 921-922. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016  Cecelia M. Setty.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library