Santa Clara County











     Prominent among the successful business men of Oakland is William Boyd McCarley, proprietor of the Nevada stables located at No. 302 Eighth street, where he caters to a remunerative trade.  Born in Davis county, Iowa, September 11, 1856, he is a son of Samuel Willis McCarley, who crossed the plains in 1862 with ox teams and located in Santa Clara county.  In addition to his training received in the district schools of California Mr. McCarley attended the old San Jose Business College.  His first independent efforts were along agricultural lines, and for twenty years he engaged in farming in the Evergreen district, when he went to Martinez, where for one year he worked in a vineyard.  Locating in San Jose, he then engaged in the livery business in partnership with his brother, J. A. McCarley, the style of the firm name being McCarley Brothers.  They continued in their location on Second street, near Santa Clara avenue, for about three years, when they purchased the ground, having previously bought the barns.  The partnership continued four more years, when Mr. McCarley purchased his brother's interest.  After eight years alone he built extensive additions to the barns, putting the entire ground (64x137ฝ feet) under one roof, and adding immeasurably to the value of the property.  After about eight more years in the business he sold out to his brother, J. A. McCarley, who is now conducting these interests in San Jose.  At that time Mr. McCarley went to Oregon, and about twelve miles northeast of Klamath Falls, Klamath county, engaged in the stock business, being principally interested in the raising of horses.  He became the owner of three hundred and twenty acres of land, two hundred of it devoted to grain.  This property he now rents, as after three years he bought his stock back to California and sold out.  Returning to San Jose, he engaged in the buying and selling of horses until February, 1903, when he bought an interest in his present business, in April, of the following year purchasing his partner's interest, since which time he has continued profitably alone.  He has one of the leading livery stables in the city, fully stocked with fine animals, and up-to-date vehicles. He still owns in San Jose a fine residence on Twelfth street, just bordering the city limits, in the midst of a three-acre orchard, and still carries on his business in buying and selling horses.

     In San Jose Mr. McCarley married Mary C. Eddy, who was born at Sycamore, Contra Costa county, a daughter of Leonard Eddy, a pioneer of '49, who died in Martinez.  They are the parents of two daughters, Lena and Lina.  In his political convictions Mr. McCarley adheres to the principles advocated in the platform of the Democratic party.  A progressive and public spirited man, a conscientious citizen, Mr. McCarley is one upon whom public welfare and business prestige may safely rest.





Transcribed 3-5-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1035-1036. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library