Santa Clara County











     At the intersection of McGlinsey lane and the Los Gatos road may be seen the finely cultivated fruit ranch which has been the property of Mr. McCaughey since 1891, and in fact has been his home ever since coming to California.  His original purchase comprised fourteen acres, it being a part of the old Casey ranch, but he has since sold two acres, and although the tract is not large, it is productive of results that would do justice to land of twice its size.  Mr. McCaughey makes a specialty of raising prunes and apricots, and his ranch is supplied with a dryer. 

     In Holmes county, Ohio, William C. McCaughey was born January 19, 1839, a son of James and Grace (Casey) McCaughey, the former a native of Stark county, Ohio, and the latter of Holmes county, that state.  James McCaughey moved to Wayne county, and later to Holmes county, where besides following farming he also worked at the carpenter's trade.  Both parents died in the latter county.  In their family were five children, two sons and three daughters, William C. being third in order of birth.  Common school advantages were his and he made the most of his opportunities.  When only seventeen years of age he was qualified to teach school, and for four terms had charge of schools in Ohio.  During the civil strife Mr. McCaughey proved his patriotism and devotion to his country by joining Com-

pany I, One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served under General De Russy in the Army of the Potomac.   Entering the ranks as a private, he was honorably discharged in September, 1864, as a corporal.  Returning to Ohio, Mr. McCaughey was interested in farming in the vicinity of his old home until 1891, but in that year he left surroundings which had been familiar to him for over fifty years and came to California, here to round out his declining years.

     While residing in Ohio Mr. McCaughey was united in marriage with Miss Lucretia Finney, a native of that state, and they became the parents of nine children, but of this number only four are living, three sons and one daughter.  In educational matters Mr. McCaughey has always taken more than passing interest, and has served as clerk and director of the school board.  The old soldiers of E.O.C. Ord Post, G.A.R., number Mr. McCaughey among its members, and he is also identified with the Grange.  He is a Republican in politics, and takes a lively interest in the affairs of his party, although he has no political aspirations.  The family attended the Congregational Church of Campbell.





Transcribed 3-19-15  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 445-446. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Marilyn R. Pankey.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library