Santa Clara County











            JOHN MAYNE. Among the native sons of County Tyrone, Ireland, who are successfully tilling the soil in Santa Clara county, mention is made of John Mayne, a practical and tireless worker, who formerly mastered the tanner’s trade, but prefers a peaceful existence on his ranch near Edenvale. Mr. Mayne was reared on a small tenant farm in County Tyrone, his birth occurring there June 7, 1830, his parents, Robert and Sarah (Thompson) Mayne, being natives of the same part of the island. He is the second of three sons in a family of eight children, and in his youth had scant opportunity for acquiring an education, a deficiency since corrected by application, which has made him a well-informed and particularly observing man. Shortly after  the death of his father in Ireland the family came to the United States, settling on a farm in Warren county, N. Y., where his mother died, and where he served an apprenticeship to a tanner. Subsequently he was employed at his trade in different parts of the state, principally as a journeyman, and in 1858 married Margaret Jane Landrum, of New York City, but a native of County Tyrone, Ireland.

            Having accumulated a competence as a tanner, Mr. Mayne came to California in 1872, and on Silver creek, near San Jose, rented land for a short time. Later he moved to another rented farm, in the meantime living frugally and always within his income. In 1880 he purchased his first farm in the state, consisting of one hundred and fifty acres, sixty of which he still owns, operating the same with the help of his son, John L. The rest of his land has been divided among his children. He has seen the district improve from a barren wilderness to a thrifty region of happy homes and general prosperity. Many improvements have added to the value of his farm, and in 1895 he erected a fine two-story residence, fitted with modern conveniences, and indicating in its general appointments the extent of the success with which he has been blessed.  Appreciating his own want of early opportunity, Mr. Mayne has encouraged schools and developing enterprises, and has seen to it that his children were started in life under more encouraging circumstances. Three sturdy sons, R. J., William George and John L., inherit his strong constitution. His daughter, Margaret, is established in a home of her own as the wife of John W. Weathers. Soon after corning to America Mr. Mayne gave his political allegiance to the Republican party, casting his first presidential vote for the great Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln. He has been a tireless worker in the Methodist Episcopal Church at San Jose, and at the time of the erection of the present building materially assisted with both money and personal effort. His residence in the west has brought him the esteem of his fellow-townsmen, as well as a delightful home in which to spend his declining years.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 15 November 2015.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 896-897. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Marie Hassard.








Santa Clara Biography

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