Clara County
a brief time has elapsed since the death of Edward Maynard, an enterprising
capitalist of San Jose, and the influence of his practical business methods
good judgment, and untiring energy is still felt
throughout the section of country where he carried on his business operations. A native of Fulton county, Ill., he was
reared to manhood in the prairie state where on attaining years of maturity, he
engaged in farming. He made his home in
Illinois until 1875, when he decided to try his fortunes among the less tried
opportunities of the west, locating in California, and identifying his interest
with those of Santa Clara county. He made his home in San Jose where he loaned
money, and in 1878, with a firm faith in the future as presaged by the evident
prosperity of the county, he invested in landed property. In 1891 he became the owner of the place
which is now the home of his widow, located on Minnesota avenue and in the
Willows district, where he erected a fine residence. Located on the Williams road in Santa Clara
county is a thirty acre ranch which he also owned this being devoted entirely
to the culture of prunes and apricots; a hundred acres of English walnuts in
Santa Maria, Santa Barbara county, also forms a part of
the estate, while he owned considerable wheat land and some property in San
Luis Obispo county. He rented these
various ranches during his lifetime. A
very prominent man in the community, he occupied the position of president of
the Fruit Union in the Willows for two years.
Politically he was a Republican.
His death occurred August 26, 1900.
The widow
of Edward Maynard was in maidenhood Harriett A. Chase. Mr. Chase came as far west as Chicago when a
young man and there bought property, later, however, locating in Rock Island
where he engaged in the manufacture of lime and built up a large and lucrative
business. Harriett A. Chase whose
birthplace was Rock Island received her education in Knox Seminary, at
Galesburg from which institution she was graduated in 1868. She then engaged in teaching following this
work successfully in several different states in the middle
west, after which she came to San Jose.
She was here employed as a teacher until 1878, when she was united in
marriage with Edward Maynard. She is now
the mother of two sons, Lloyd C. and Roy E. both of whom are at home with her.
Transcribed by
Louise E. Shoemaker., May 24, 2015.
ญญญญSource: History
of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties,
California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 613-614. The Chapman
Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.
ฉ 2015 Louise E. Shoemaker.