Santa Clara County












JOHN A. MATHEWS.  The representative of a prominent pioneer family of California, John A. Mathews has spent the major part of his life in this state, and now occupies a noteworthy position among the esteemed and valued residents of San Jose.  A man of enterprise and ability, he has been actively associated with the development of the agricultural and horticultural interests of his adopted home, and takes great pride in the advancement and growing prosperity of city and county.  A son of the late John Mathews, he was born in Boston, Mass., July 12, 1846, and spent the first four years of his life on the Atlantic coast.


A native of Ireland, John Mathews was born in County Meath.  When a young man he emigrated to New England, locating first in Boston.  In 1850, with his family, which then consisted of his wife and two children, John A. and Mary, he started for the Pacific coast, going by steamer to Greytown, thence across Nicaragua, and from there to San Francisco.  The next year he bought a squatter’s claim on the Peralta grant, and by dint of perseverance, push and energy improved a fine homestead, which is still occupied by his widow and two of their children.  Embarking in general farming and stock-raising, he met with eminent success, acquiring much land and other valuable property in Alameda and San Francisco counties.  At San Leandro he owned fifteen hundred acres of land, included in three different farms, his estates bordering on Oakland and Elmhurst.  He also invested in San Francisco property, which is still in the possession of his family, becoming owner of eight stores, thirty-seven and one-half feet each, on Clay street, and also of the large four-story granite building known as the Wright building, located at the corner of Montgomery and Jackson streets.  He was known throughout the community in which he resided as a man of superior business tact and ability, as a faithful, law-abiding citizen, a firm friend, a devoted husband and father, and his death, which occurred August 19, 1882, in the sixty-eighth year of his age, was deemed a public loss.  He married Ann McAvoy, a native of County Meath, Ireland, and they became the parents of six children, namely: John A., the subject of this sketch; Mary, wife of Patrick Tormey, of Rodeo, supervisor of Contra Costa county; Alice died at the age of twenty-four years; Sarah died at the age of forty-six years; and Peter, and Katie, living with their mother on the old homestead.


But four years old when he came with his parents to California, John A. Mathews grew to manhood on the old homestead.  Obtaining his elementary education in a private school, he subsequently attended Brayton’s College, in Oakland, which is now a part of the University of California, for a year and a half, and then entered Santa Clara College, where he continued his studies for three years.  Returning then to his home, Mr. Mathews was there profitably employed in general farming until 1870.  Going then to Chili, he spent a year in Valparaiso, and was afterward in New York City for a year.  Coming back to the old homestead in 1873 he remained there five years.  In 1878 he went to Portland, Ore., but in 1879 again took up his residence in California, purchasing a ranch of one hundred and sixty acres at Millikens Corners, where he carried on a good business as a farmer and stock-raiser for five years.  Disposing of his ranch in 1884, Mr. Mathews bought his present property of four acres, located on the corner of Park and Lincoln avenues, San Jose, and is there living retired from active pursuits, an honored and respected citizen.


In 1878 Mr. Mathews married Nellie Donovan, who was born in San Francisco, where her father, Michael Donovan, settled in 1853.  Mr. Donovan subsequently bought land in San Leandro, where he improved a good farm, on which he resided until his death, April 15, 1904, at the venerable age of eighty-seven years.  In national politics Mr. Mathews is a stanch[sic] Democrat, but in local affairs votes for the best men and measures.  He served for one year in the United States Mint, and while a resident of San Francisco was deputy sheriff.





Transcribed by Donna Toole.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 408. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Donna Toole.







Santa Clara Biography

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