Santa Clara County












     One of the pioneer settlers of Santa Clara county, was born in County Waterford, Ireland, a son of Timothy and June (Canery) Kirby, both of whom were born in that county and there spent their entire lives.  Their family consisted of four children, three of whom were sons, and of these John Coleman is next to the youngest.  The recipient of but a limited education in the common schools, at thirteen, Mr. Kirby went to sea as a cabin boy, and starting from Newport, Wales, he sailed around Cape Horn to the Isthmus of Panama.  There for one year he was office boy in the United States mail steamer Pacific, and during this time he landed in California, July 12, 1851.  While on this ship he became acquainted with William Henley and family and was induced to go with them to Nevada City, where he continued to live for several years.

     It was in 1855 that Mr. Kirby first became identified with Santa Clara county and for five years he was employed under Dan Murphy on the San Martin ranch, and the training he received here has been invaluable to him.  His hours were long and his work hard, but realizing that success is built on a foundation of hard work, he applied himself to his duties with determination.  Like many others who located in California, he was eager to try his luck in the mines, and after leaving the above-named ranch he went to the mines in Grass valley and later to Virginia City and for several years followed mining pursuits off and on.  He afterward purchased two hundred acres of land near the Fifteen Mile house, but in 1863 he sold this ranch and bought the one upon which he resides.  Here he has two hundred and thirty acres of fine farming land, one mile north of Madrone.  He has sixty acres in vineyard, eleven acres in prunes and the balance of his farm is devoted principally to raising hay and grain.

     The marriage of Mr. Kirby in Santa Clara county united him with Miss Catherine Keene, also a native of Ireland, and they have reared a family of seven children, Mollie, Susan, Patrick, Nellie, Timothy, Maggie, and John.   The eldest daughter, Mollie, is the wife of O. L. Rogan and resides in Haywards; Patrick is a prosperous merchant in Madrone; Timothy is foreman of the McDermott ranch; Maggie is a resident of San Jose, and the others are still at the home place.  The family are devout Catholics.  Politically Mr. Kirby is a pronounced Democrat and he has officiated as school trustee for years, having been at all times deeply interested in educational matters, and was instrumental in bringing about the erection of the Burnett school at Medrone [sic], which filled a long-felt want.  During his long term of residence in Santa Clara county he has witnessed the growth and development of California with pride, and in many ways he has assisted in advancing the interests of his immediate locality.  His own personal record is above reproach, he having obtained his start while working by the month as a farm hand for Henry Miller, the Sargents and the Dunnes.





Transcribed 9-23-15  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 793-794. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Marilyn R. Pankey.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library