Santa Clara County










M. E. KILCOURSE.  One of the most energetic and promising of the general contractors of San Jose is M E. Kilcourse, to whom is credited some of the heaviest and most ambitious work in his line in Santa Clara county, and who, among other tasks, put in the cement work for the Consolidated Gas plant, for the Hall of Justice, and for many of the largest buildings in the city.  Born in the old town of Vallejo, Cal., October 22, 1868, Mr. Kilcourse is the only son in a family of nine children of whom three are now living.  His father, M. V. Kilcourse, was for many years a brick manufacturer of Vallejo, and a California pioneer of 1852.  The elder Kilcourse was born in Ireland, and after coming to America lived for a time in New York, making the journey to San Francisco by way of Panama.  He married Kate Gaffigan, who died in San Jose.  Mr. Kilcourse has survived the worries of pioneer life and the exactions of a large business enterprise, and now makes his home with his son, M. E.


As a boy M. E. Kilcourse saw considerable of the far west, and between the age of ten and twelve lived in Portland, Ore.  His training for future usefulness included attendance at the public schools of San Jose, where he graduated at the high school, and gained his first business experience while teaming for his father.  His general contracting started on a small scale, and was increased as business improved, and permitted greater latitude in the purchase of horses, wagons and hauling apparatus, and the employment of assistants.  He is now one of the best known contractors in the city, and his faithfulness and ability may be taken as proof of assured future success.  Mr. Kilcourse married in San Jose, May Duffy, who was born in San Jose, and whose economy and household skill have materially aided in his accumulation of a competence.  He has erected a substantial and comfortable home at No. 93 Dupont street, and from time to time has invested in other desirable city property.  In politics he is independent, and in general matters is broad minded and public spirited.








[Inserted by D. Toole]


Michael E. Kilcourse


1908 Feb 18, Evening News, P8, San Jose, California


Kilcourse – In San Jose, February 17, 1908, Michael V. Kilcourse, beloved father of Mrs. W. F. Ferre, M. E. Kilcourse, and Mrs. A. E. McSwegan, a native of Ireland, aged 70 years.  Funeral Tuesday at 3 p.m.  Interment at Santa Clara.


1908 Oct 8, Evening News, P4, San Jose, California


Mrs. M. E. Kilcourse of 93 Dupont street who recently underwent a severe operation at the O’Connor sanitarium is slowly regaining her strength.  She was attended by Drs. Patterson and McGinty.  The operation was a delicate one and was performed with great skill.


[Parents of Martin E. Kilcourse:  Michael V. Kilcourse and Catherine Gaffeny according to California marriage certificate.  Martin Edward Kilcourse married Neta Lopez 5 July 1910 at Stockton, California.  He was a 38 year old widower and Neta was 21.]


First wife of Martin E. Kilcourse:  Abbie M. “May” White

Second wife of Martin E. Kilcourse:  Ruth B. Moss





Transcribed by Donna Toole.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 1387. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016  Donna Toole.







Santa Clara Biography

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