Santa Clara County











            Noteworthy among the most thriving, able and progressive business men of Palo Alto is Clement E. Jordan, a well-known grocer. Inheriting the industrious and energetic spirit and the sterling virtues of a long line of sturdy New England ancestors, he has met with success in his active career, and has won the confidence and good-will of the community in which he resides. A native of Maine, he was born April 17, 1873, in Portland, Cumberland county, which was also the birthplace of his father, James Henry Jordan.

            Born and reared in Maine, James Henry Jordan spent his early life as a vegetable gardener at Cape Elizabeth. In 1876 he came to California, but did not locate here at that time. Going, instead, to Arizona, he engaged in the manufacture of flour in the Rio Verde valley. In March, 1889, he removed to Tacoma, Wash., where he was engaged in the grocery business for a few months. Coming to California in the fall of that year, he took up his residence in Napa, where he has since built up an extensive and lucrative trade as a dealer in hay, grain and feed. He married Emma Jordan, who was born in Maine, and, although bearing the same surname, was not a relative. They are the parents of six children, five sons and one daughter.

            With the love of learning characteristic of the sons and daughters of old New England, Clement E. Jordan was a close student from his boyhood days. After leaving the public schools, he attended Napa College, from which he was graduated with the degree of Ph. B. in 1896, and in 1897 was graduated from the Leland Stanford Jr. University with the degree of A. M. He was subsequently engaged in teaching in Sacramento, Cal., for a time, but on account of failing eyesight was forced to relinquish the profession. Locating in Palo Alto in 1899, Mr. Jordan established himself as a grocer, and has since built up a very large and remunerative business, and has acquired a substantial property, becoming owner of residence and business lots on University avenue.

            In 1902, at Napa City, Cal., Mr. Jordan married Mildred E. Hitchcock, a native of Minnesota. Mrs. Jordan is a highly accomplished woman, much esteemed, and holds a position of prominence in social circles. Reared an educated in California, she was graduated from Napa College, and from the Napa Conservatory of Music. Previous to her marriage she followed the profession of a teacher for awhile, from 1895 until 1898 teaching in Kamehameha School for Boys and Girls in Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. In politics Mr. Jordan is a steadfast Republican. He served as chief of the Palo Alto Fire Department for one year, resigning his position on account of illness, and in 1893 was president of the Merchants’ Association.  He is a consistent and active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and for three years served as president of the Epworth League, and is now superintendent of the Sunday school.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 415-416. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Cecelia M. Setty.








Santa Clara Biography

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