Clara County
HON. JOHN A. HICKS. In political, financial and social circles
Hon. J. A. Hicks is widely known throughout the state of
California, and as widely honored and esteemed for the splendid ability which
has marked his career in whatever avenue he has directed his efforts. A man of brilliant parts he has been a leader
of the Democratic party in California for many years; has ably represented his
district in the state legislature; and was chosen as delegate to the National
Democratic Convention held in St. Louis, Mo., in 1904. In the business activity of San Jose and
Santa Clara county he has also exercised a wide and
varied influence, contributing materially to the general welfare and upbuilding
of the best interests of the community.
Born in San Francisco and reared to
manhood in his native city, John A. Hicks received his education in the
schools of that place, attending and graduating from St. Ignatius College
in 1871, with the degree of A. B.
Following the commercial bent of the family he sought employment as
clerk with Keane, O’Conner & Co., with whom he remained for two years,
after which he gave his time to the care of his father’s extensive
property. While thus engaged he became
interested in politics, and in 1873 was appointed deputy county recorder under
Otto Frank. This office he held until
1877, being elected in November of that year to the state legislative assembly,
where he served during the session of 1877-78.
His next official capacity was as deputy county assessor under Alexander
Badlan, at the expiration of this four years being
appointed as special inspector of customs in the Treasury Department of the
United States at San Francisco, where he remained two years. In June, 1886, he was appointed by Hon. Asa Ellis as deputy collector of internal revenue for the
district embracing the coast counties from San Mateo to Santa Barbara, with
headquarters at San Jose, where he then located. This position was maintained with credit for
nearly five years, when he resigned to engage in the real estate and insurance
business, in 1890 forming the firm now known as Foss & Hicks. In 1902 this was incorporated as the Foss
& Hicks Company, with Mr. Hicks as president and manager, and the
business which they have since handled in laying out
and subdividing in various sections of the city has added materially to the
upbuilding and progress of business affairs.
This is one of the largest real estate firms in the city and noticeably
one of the most successful ones.
In Watsonville, in 1883, Mr. Hicks
was united in marriage with Jennie R. Fallon, who was born in New Orleans
and died in 1898, leaving two children, Leo R. and Raymond A. In his private affairs Mr. Hicks has
taken a great deal of interest in accumulating and improving property in San
Francisco, Santa Cruz and Los Angeles, owning a ninety-acre orchard in Santa
Cruz county, located three miles from Watsonville in the Pajaro
valley, which he himself set out from new land, being planted to sixty-five
acres in apples and twenty-five acres in apricot trees. Since 1890 his home has been in Los Gatos,
where he has a fine residence on the Terrace.
In the public affairs of San Jose and Los Gatos he has always occupied a
very prominent position, holding office as vice-president and director of the
San Jose Electric Improvement Company until it was absorbed by the new company,
and was also president of the Los Gatos Ice & Power Company until he
disposed of his interests. He is a member
of the Chamber of Commerce, San Jose Real Estate Association, and member and
president of the Santa Clara Board of Underwriters. Politically he has been a member of the
Democratic county committee, in which he served for many years, and has served
in the State Central committee for many years.
Transcribed by Donna Toole.
Source: History
of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties,
California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 629-630. The Chapman
Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.
© 2015 Donna Toole.