Santa Clara County











            Noteworthy among the most successful horticulturists and viticulturists of Santa Clara county is Stephen Heilmann, superintendent for Mr. Henry Miller, of the Lewis ranch, which is located six miles west of Gilroy, on the Bodfish Mill road.  A man of much education and practical business knowledge, he is considered an authority on all questions connected with the latest and most approved methods of cultivating and caring for orchards and vineyards, and is an expert fruit and grape raiser.  A native of Germany, he was born April 10, 1861, in Randersacker, Bavaria, about three miles from Wurzburg.  His father, Franz Heilmann, and his grandfather, Martin Heilmann, were both born in the same city, and there the father served many years as city marshal, and his grandfather was in business during his active life as a tailor.

            The oldest of a family of twelve children, five of whom are living, Stephen Heilmann was brought up and educated in Randersacker, first attending the common schools, and completing his early studies in the latin or high school.  Subsequently entering the employ of a vineyardist, he became proficient in the art of raising grapes, after which he served for three years as a soldier, being member of the Rifles one year, and clerk for a battalion officer the second and third years.  Ambitious then to broaden his scope of labor, Mr. Heilmann emigrated to the United States, locating in California in 1886.  Coming to Gilroy in August of that year, he accepted charge of the Lewis ranch, on which he still lives, and immediately began the improvement of its five hundred acres.  Establishing vineyards and orchards, he set out fruits and vines of all kinds, constructed a good system of irrigation, and in the management of the ranch has been eminently successful.  In 1896 the ranch changed hands, being purchased by Mr. Miller, but Mr. Heilmann has since retained its superintendency, his ability and fidelity in the responsible position that he has so long held being recognized and appreciated by the present owner.

            After coming to Gilroy, Mr. Heilmann married Miss Barbara Bumm, also a native of Randersacker, Bavaria, her birth occurring there on April 6, 1861.  She was a daughter of Andreas and Elizabeth (Kuhn) Bumm, both natives of that country and highly respected people in their old German home.  Of their union five children have been born, namely:  Elizabeth, Augusta, Herman, Mary and Sarah.  In politics Mr. Heilmann is independent, with the courage of his convictions, voting for the best men and measures, regardless of party prejudice or opinions, and for two terms has served as school trustee.





Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 844-847. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Joyce Rugeroni.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library