Santa Clara County











            JAMES HARLISS. Since 1853 James Harliss has been a resident of the state of California, coming here as a pioneer, in the passing years witnessing and contributing to the prosperity which is the outgrowth of the efforts made by the first settlers. In Lincolnshire, England, he was born February 16, 1820, a son of William and Betsey (Leach) Harliss, and in his native locality was reared and received his education. Until he was thirty years old he was satisfied to remain in his native country, but attracted to the west by the manifest opportunities awaiting honest, earnest effort, he crossed the ocean and located in Cook county, Ill. He engaged in farming until 1853, when, with his wife, whom he had married in June, 1851, he crossed the plains with ox teams, leaving March 16 and arriving in Tuolumne county, California, September 16. He entered the mines at Shaws Flat, where he established and built a home and set out one of the first orchards in that locality, consisting of a little more than two acres, grapes and various other fruits being cultivated. During his leisure time he gave his attention to this property, making considerable money from the sale of peaches and pears, which he sold for twenty-five cents per pound. For twenty years he remained in that location and continued in the occupation of a miner, meeting with a success which justified his perseverance. He then sold out his interests in that county and removed to San Jose, purchasing in connection with John Britten twenty-five acres of land, which was devoted to the cultivation of fruit, principally pears, which they found very remunerative. Later, Mr. Harliss took eight acres and built the residence which he now occupies on Palm avenue, and during the time of San Jose’s growth he sold all but the lot upon which his house stands. He has met with a success which is an adequate return for the efforts he has put forth in the accomplishment of his life work, and is today enjoying the fruits of his work. Though advanced in years he is still hale and hearty and retains his faculties to such an extent as to give him still a great enjoyment of life.

            The wife of Mr. Harliss was formerly Betsey Thompson, also a native of Lincolnshire, England, and the daughter of Thomas and Ann (Milton) Thompson. Of their union the following children were born: Elisabeth Helva, Herbert, James Alva, and an infant son. Elisabeth and James A. are the only ones who now survive. The former married John Britten and has four children, namely: Daisy, who became the wife of Thomas Keesling; Ann, Laura, Carrie and Hannah. James A. is a box-maker by trade and still makes his home with his parents. Both Mr. Harliss and his wife are members of the Baptist Church and have always been active in the promotion of all church movements and helpful in the work.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 11 November 2015.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 868-871. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Marie Hassard.








Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library