Santa Clara County











            A man of fine abilities, resolute will, and of great force of character, G. W. Gray is prominently identified with the horticultural interests of Santa Clara county, and as foreman of the Bradley ranch, which lies near San Jose, on the Stevens Creek road, is meeting with acknowledged success as a fruit grower.  A native of New England, he was born April 24, 1862, I Waltham, Middlesex county, Mass., of English descent.  His parents, George F. N. and Sarah (Linton) Gray, were both born and reared in England, the father’s birth occurring in Suffolk county.  Immigrating to Massachusetts, he settled in Waltham, where he was employed as a gardener until his death.  His wife survived him, and still resides in the old Bay State.

            The second in order of birth of a family of four children, all of whom are living, G. W. Gray obtained a practical education in the graded schools of Waltham.  Beginning the battle of life on his own account in 1878, he began clerking in a coal and wood office in his native city, and remained with his first employers nine years, the greater part of the time having charge of the yards.  Migrating to California in 1887, Mr. Gray was for awhile employed as a clerk in Wrights, and was afterward in the employ of the Wells-Fargo Express Company in San Francisco.  Returning to Wrights from there, he continued as a clerk until 1896, when he began his career as a horticulturist, becoming superintendent of Cragin’s ranch of forty acres, having charge of it four years.  Accepting his present position as foreman of the Bradley ranch May 1, 1902, he has met with great success in its management, obtaining most satisfactory results from his labors.  This ranch comprises two hundred and twenty acres of land, one hundred and fifty-five acres of which he devotes to the culture of fruit, raising many varieties.  He has a large dryer that he operates, and ships the products of the orchards to all parts of the Union.

            Mr. Gray married, in San Jose, Louise C. Cragin, formerly a horticulturist at San Jose, but now a resident of Evanston.  Four children have been born of the union of Mr. and Mrs. Gray, namely: Clifford, Dorothy, Muriel and Carol.  Politically Mr. Gray is a decided Republican, and fraternally he belongs to the Ancient Order of United Workman.  Mrs. Gray is a member of the Congregational Church.





Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1178 -1179. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016  Joyce Rugeroni.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library