Clara County
REV. DOMINIC GIACOBBI. Since 1889 the Rev. Dominic Giacobbi has been in charge of the Novitiate of the Sacred
Heart, located at Los Gatos, Santa Clara county,
and in connection with this position has officiated as rector. Of marked ability and thorough consecration,
he has made his influence felt throughout this section, both as a teacher and
rector, and has given his best efforts along the lines of his work.
Born in Corsica, the Rev. Dominic Giacobbi was early trained and educated for the priesthood
for the Society of Jesus. He came to the
United States in 1872, having previously attended the school at Monaco, France,
entering the order in 1868. He came at
once to California and in Santa Clara College continued his studies until he
accepted a position to teach in San Ignatius College, San Francisco. He was made a priest in 1883 in Woodstock,
Md., and completing the course, in 1884 he returned to Santa Clara. For three years following his return he was
employed in teaching philosophy to graduated classes,
and in 1889 was placed in his present position.
This novitiate was established in 1887, and in addition to outside
support owns and controls three hundred acres of land, seventy acres of which
are devoted to vineyard and orchard of various fruits.
Transcribed by Donna Toole.
ญญญญSource: History
of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties,
California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 439. The Chapman Publishing
Co., Chicago, 1904.
ฉ 2015 Donna Toole.