Santa Clara County











             Prominent in professional circles as a practical and successful veterinary surgeon Dr. H. A. Forrest has acquired a far more than local reputation for skill in his chosen occupation, and has built up a large practice in San Jose and the surrounding towns and cities. A son of F. Forrest, he was born in Holt, Norfolk county, England, April 2, 1858. His father, a cousin of the present Lord Lonsdale, was born on the Island of Jersey, in1829. In 1883 he came with his family to California, and is now a veterinary surgeon in San Jose, his home being on Delmos avenue. He married Hester Smythe, a native of Ireland, and they became the parents of seven children, six of whom are now living, Henry Augustus, the subject of this sketch, being the second child in order of birth.

             Spending the earlier years of his existence in England, Henry Augustus Forrest lived in different parts of that country until 1868, when he went to France, where he completed his education at Dinan College. Emigrating with the family to United States in 1871, he arrived in Chicago, Ill., in time to witness the great fire that destroyed the city. Proceeding westward to Iowa, his father bought land in Vail, Crawford county, and began the improvement of a farm. Assisting in the care of the home estate, both Mr. Forrest and his father took up the study of veterinary science and surgery, and when proficient began the practice of their profession. Coming to California in 1883, Mr. Forrest located first at Santa Rosa, where for several years he was prosperously employed as a veterinary surgeon, having also a veterinary hospital. He then spent nine years in Santa Cruz. On account of his daughter’s health, Mr. Forrest spent six months in Los Angeles. Returning north, he settled in San Jose in 1898, and resumed his professional labors, building a residence at No. 612 Vine street, at the corner of Colfax street, and establishing a veterinary hospital.

He is recognized as one of the foremost veterinary surgeons of Santa Clara county, and took an active part in securing veterinary legislation.

             In Healdsburg, Cal., Mr. Forrest married Hortense Louise Rieffel, who was born at Macallam’s Hill, Calaveras county, of French ancestry, her parents having emigrated from France to Calaveras county in pioneer days. Two children have blessed the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest, namely: Gladys and Veva Audrey. Mr. Forrest takes a decided interest in educational matters, and now represents the Fourth ward on the San Jose Board of Education. He is a member of several committees, and chairman of the committee on school house sites and repairs. Since he has been a member of the board marked changes have been made in school management, the number of teachers has been increased, their salaries raised, the standard of scholarship has been advanced, the system of school government improved, the result being a much more excellent and satisfactory work for a less amount of money expended. Politically Mr. Forrest is an uncompromising Republican, and fraternally he belongs to Santa Cruz Lodge, I. O. O. F., and to the Modern Woodmen of America. He is an Episcopalian in his religious faith, and a member of the Trinity Brotherhood. He is an ex-member of the State Veterinary Association. 




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 669. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Cecelia M. Setty.








Santa Clara Biography

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