Santa Clara County










DANIEL J. FOGARTY.  Among the prosperous young farmers of the Santa Clara valley, the name of Mr. Fogarty must not be overlooked, for he has won distinction as an orchardist in this, his native county, having been born near Milpitas, September 2, 1859.  He is a son of James Fogarty, who was born in Ireland and at an early day immigrated to the United States, for a time making his home in Chicago, Ill.  From there he went to Missouri, making that state his home for three years.  While there he conceived the idea of going to California and in 1852 he made the trip overland behind ox teams to the Pacific coast.  In Calaveras county he followed mining pursuits for some time, afterward going to San Francisco.  Looking about for a desirable location he was attracted by the outlook in the vicinity of Milpitas and purchasing land in that locality he engaged in farm pursuits, giving his entire time to this occupation there until 1876.


Subsequently Mr. Fogarty removed to Evergreen, where he also bought land and followed similar pursuits, subsequently removing to San Jose, where his last day were spent, his death occurring December 9, 1902.  His widow, formerly Miss Margarite Maddigan, to whom he was married in California, now makes her home in San Jose.  She accompanied her parents to California in 1852.  Eleven children were born to her and her husband, eight being sons and three daughters.  Of these Daniel J. was a twin, and the eldest but one in the family.  He was educated in the common schools of Santa Clara county and early took up the double occupation of farming and orcharding.  After leaving home he was foreman of the Burgundy vineyard for five years, after which he was employed an equal length of time on the J. W. Randson ranch.


Having now confidence in his ability to make a success of the business, Mr. Fogarty began ranching on his own behalf and he has been quite successful, owning valuable city property in Madrone and Gilroy, in addition to a twelve acre ranch adjoining madrone, his residence being upon the latter place, where he still follows farming and orcharding.


In Gilroy Mr. Fogarty was married to Miss Mary E. Dougherty, formerly of Sierra county.  Her father, Thomas Dougherty, born in Indiana, left his home section in 1854 for California, and for a number of years after his arrival here followed mining.  In 1868 he moved to Gilroy and for five years was engaged in mercantile life there.  He became prominent in that county and for years he officiated as city marshal, as deputy sheriff or as constable.  He also died there.  He married Miss Ellen Murphy, who was born in Ireland, and she also died in Gilroy.  The family of Mr. and Mrs. Fogarty consists of four children, Guy, Thomas, Bessie and Evelyn.  The religious views of the family coincide with those of the Catholic Church, of which they are regular communicants, and in his political views Mr. Fogarty is a stanch[sic] Democrat, and has frequently served as a delegate to the county central committee.








[Inserted by D. Toole]


Daniel J. Fogarty


1889 Jan 26, Evening News, P3, San Jose, California

Wedded Bliss

Marriage Certificates Filed With the Recorder During the Week


Daniel J. Fogarty, of Madrone, and Mary E. Dougherty, of Gilroy.



1902 Dec 10, Evening News, P4, San Jose, California

Fogerty[sic] – In San Jose, Dec. 9, 1902 James Fogerty[sic], beloved husband of Margaret Madigan Fogarty and father of Daniel J., Edward P., Martin S., Frank J., John C., Mrs. R. J. Johnstone[sic], Margaret and Kathryn C. Fogerty[sic], a native of Ireland, aged 68 years.


1902 Dec 11, Evening News, P5, San Jose, California

Interment of Pioneer Today

James Fogerty[sic], the pioneer resident who died at his home in this city on Tuesday, was buried today at Calvary cemetery.  The funeral was held from his residence, from which the remains were conveyed to St. Josephs church for services at 1:30 o’clock.  Mr. Fogarty was a native of Irelandd[sic] and was 68 years of age.  He came to this State in the early fifties and engaged in various business enterprises with considerable success.  He had been a resident of this county for many years.  The members of the Santa Clara County Pioneer Society attended the funeral in a body.


1915 Jun 21, Evening News, P3, San Jose, California

Real Estate Transactions

Reported daily for The Evening News by the San Jose Abstract company, 74 North First Street


Mary E. and Daniel J. Fogarty to Virginia Sagardia – Lot 26 sub of lot 15 Dougherty Randol tract, $10.



1916 May 26, San Jose Mercury News, P11, San Jose, California

Daniel J. Fogarty of Madrone Passes Away

Decedent Leaves Large Family in This City to Mourn His Loss

Daniel J. Fogarty, for many years a resident of Madrone and one of the best known citizens of the southern end of the county, died late yesterday afternoon at the O’Connor sanitarium after an illness extending over a period of several months.  Mr. Fogarty underwent an operation several weeks ago for an affection of the stomach, from the effects of which he failed to rally, and his death was not unexpected.  Born and raised in San Jose and educated in the public schools of this city, few men were better liked and more universally known and respected than stalwart and handsome D. J. Fogarty.  He was always closely identified with the affairs of the county, and his passing removes from the community one who was widely known as an upright citizen, a man of exemplary habits and genial personality.  His friends throughout this city were numbered by the score.  He leaves to mourn his passing a widow, who was formerly Miss Mary Dougherty of Gilroy; four children, Guy L., Thomas F., Elizabeth and Evelyn, his mother, Mrs. Margaret Fogarty – one of Santa Clara county’s worthy pioneers – and the following brothers and sisters:  Edward P. Fogarty of Palo Alto, Martin S. and Frank J. Fogarty of Stockton, Mrs. Rae C. Johnston of Seattle, Margaret E. and Kathryn Fogarty of this city.


1916 May 27, San Jose Mercury News, P10, San Jose, California


Fogarty – At the O’Connor Sanitarium, San Jose, Cal., May 25, 1916, Daniel J., beloved husband of Mary E. Fogarty, loving father of Guy L., Thomas J., Elizabeth and Evelyn Fogerty[sic], dearly beloved son of Mrs. Margaret and the late James Fogarty and brother of Edward P., Martin S., Frank J. Fogarty, Mrs. Rae C. Johnston, Margaret E. and Katharine Fogarty, a native of San Jose, Cal.  Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Saturday) May 27, 1916, from residence funeral parlors of W. B. Ward Undertaking Co., North Market street, at Devine, at 9 a.m., thence to St. Joseph’s Church, where requiem mass will be celebrated, commencing at 9:30 a.m..  Interment Calvary by automobile.  San Francisco papers please copy.


1916 May 30, San Francisco Chronicle, P8, San Francisco, California

Daniel J. Fogarty of Santa Clara County, Dead

San Jose, May 29 – The death, as the result of an operation, of Daniel J. Fogarty, for many years a resident of Madone, Santa Clara county, removed one of the best-known citizens of that section.  He was closely identified with the affairs of the county and his death means a real public loss.  Fogarty, who was born and raised in San Jose, is survived by his mother, Mrs. Margaret Fogarty; his widow, who was formerly Miss Mary Dougherty of Gilroy, and four children – Guy L., Thomas F., Elizabeth and Evelyn Fogarty.  He also left three brothers – Edward P. Fogarty of Palo Alto, and Martin S. and Frank J. Fogarty of Stockton, and three sisters – Mrs. Rae C. Johnston of Seattle and Margaret E. and Kathryn  Fogarty of this city.


1918 Jul 23, San Francisco Chronicle, P4, San Francisco, California

Fogarty – In San Jose, July 13, 1918, Margaret Madigan Fogarty, relict of the late James Fogarty, and dearly beloved mother of Edward P. Fogarty of Palo Alto, Mrs. Rae C. Johnston of Seattle and Frank J., Margaret E., Katharine G. and the late Daniel J. Fogarty, a native of Frampton, Province of Ontario, Canada.





Transcribed by Donna Toole.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1371-1372. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016  Donna Toole.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library