Santa Clara County









            On the exact location of the old adobe house which his father put up in the pioneer days of the state, Fiacro C. Fisher has erected a beautiful and modern home, and in various ways has improved the value of the old homestead, until today it ranks among the first of Santa Clara county.  A practical farmer, with progressive yet conservative methods, thoroughly business-like in all his dealings, Mr. Fisher skillfully handles the greater part of his extensive property, which is given over to various interests, such as stock-raising, general ranching, dairying, fruit-growing, etc.  He has a fine dairy with a creamery located on the ranch, and also does his own drying, packing and shipping.  He has forty acres devoted to the cultivation of prunes, with which fruit he has met with success.

            Mr. Fisher was born upon the farm which he now makes his home, the date of his birth being August 31, 1850.  (For particulars concerning the family history refer to the sketch of Thomas Fisher, which may be found elsewhere in this work.)  He received his preliminary education in the common schools of Santa Clara county, after which he entered and attended Santa Clara College for two years, and also the high school of San Jose for a time.  He left school quite early to take up his chosen occupation, and that to which he had early been trained, being foreman for Dan Murphy in Santa Clara county until 1872.  He then engaged in ranching for himself on the old homestead giving considerable attention to stock-raising.  In 1877 he went to Nevada to take charge of the ranches of Mr. Murphy and Mr. Hill, remaining in their employ as general manager and business man until 1894.  During the winter, however, he returned to Santa Clara county, spending that time in his own home.  He has since turned his entire attention to the cultivation and improvement of his own property, which consists of three thousand acres located on the Monterey and Coyote road, and one thousand acres in valley land.  A part of this extensive ranch Mr. Fisher rents, while the remainder is devoted to various pursuits, in all of which he has met with a noteworthy success.

            In 1872, in San Jose, Mr. Fisher was united in marriage with Gertrude Hanks, also a native of California, by whom he has had three sons and three daughters, namely:  Laura, the wife of William Straub, employed in the foundry at Oakland; Chester F., Neva; Gertrude; George; and Fiacro C., Jr.  Mr. Fisher is a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and politically adheres to the principles advocated in the platform of the Republican party.





Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1369-1370. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Joyce Rugeroni.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library