Santa Clara County











     In 1846 Thomas N. Fisher was brought by his parents to this state from Lower California, where he was born October 29, 1842.  His father, George William Fisher, was of English birth and breeding, and a sea-faring man by occupation.  He came to the United States in young manhood, and in 1830 left his first location in Massachusetts for California, making the voyage as mate of the vessel.  He then located at San Jose, in Lower California, and owned a vessel which he navigated upon the Gulf of California.  In April, 1842, he came to this state and bought the ranch which is now partly owned by his children, consisting of four and a half leagues known as the Laguna Seca grant, and four years later brought his family to Monterey.  Upon this property he engaged in cattle and stock-raising until his death, which occurred in 1850, at the age of forty years.  His wife, formerly Liberata Cesena, a native of Mexico, still survives and makes her home in San Jose at the age of ninety years.  Born of this union were four sons and two daughters, namely: Thomas N. and Cypriano, twins; William deceased; Fiacro, located on a part of the home property; Mary, the wife of Murphy Columbet, located near the homestead; and Eulogia.

     Thomas N. Fisher was reared in his California home, receiving his education in the common schools in the vicinity.  On attaining years of maturity he engaged in stock-raising on the home place, where he has since remained.  Upon the division of the ranch Mr. Fisher received fifteen hundred acres of land, and afterward purchased of the other heirs three hundred and eighty acres. Although at the present time he owns but seven hundred and seventy-eight acres.  Of this amount three hundred and thirty acres are hill land, and the balance is in orchard and tillable fields, ninety two acres being devoted to the cultivation of various fruits.  A part of this property is now rented, while the balance is in pasture.  The farm is advantageously located on the Monterrey road, one and a half miles south of Coyote.

     The marriage of Mr. Fisher occurred in San Jose and united him with Anna Hanks, a native of California, and daughter of Willard Hanks, better known throughout this community, however as Julian Hanks.  The latter was born in Massachusetts but immigrated to Lower California where he was interested in a vessel.  In 1846 he came to California with the elder Fisher, and in San Jose conducted a grist mill, operating the same until 1866, when he traded it for property in Sonora, Mexico.  He made his home in Lower California, Mexico, until his death.  His wife still survives him.  To Mr. Fisher and his wife were born the following children: Thomas, in Mexico; Daniel; Charles; William; Belle, the wife of Frank Monroe, of San Jose; Fannie the wife of Charles Stevens; and Lola, a trained nurse in San Francisco; and two sons and a daughter deceased.  Fraternally Mr. Fisher is a member of Friendship Lodge, No. 110, A.F. & A.M., and politically is a Republican. 




Transcribed by Louise E. Shoemaker, January 14, 2016.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 925-926. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Louise E. Shoemaker.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library