Santa Clara County











            No name in the vicinity of Gilroy is better known than that of Fellom, around which is entered the best attributes and traditions of the Danish people, and the most worthy and progressive efforts along agricultural and stock raising lines.  Represented in the history of the present by John A. Fellom, owner of two finely appointed stock ranches in Santa Clara county, the family was first associated with the interests of the west through Mathias Fellom, whom accident rather than design led to the coast of Monterey in the latter '30s.  Born in Denmark February 24, 1801, the pioneer became dissatisfied with his native conditions while yet a boy, and, shipping on a merchant vessel, found relief from monotony in a seafaring career of several years.  Nor was his desire to lead a more stable life granted by the captain of his vessel, and only through strategy did he succeed in leaving the ship and establishing himself on the California coast.  With a zeal appreciated only by those who have wearied of an occupation no longer congenial, he looked about for a means of livelihood, and found employment with John Gilroy, for whom the town of that name is called, and was set to making soap.  He became an expert soap maker, and remained at his trade until he had accumulated some money.  With his earnings he invested in seventeen hundred and fifty acres of land northeast of old Gilroy, or, as it was then called, San Ysidro, and for years was known as the most extensive stock-raiser in the neighborhood.  About 1853 he changed his location to a ranch in the vicinity of his son's present home, but in 1861 he returned to San Ysidro and erected a commodious rural residence, where his death occurred December 16, 1868.  While yet his memories of the sea were vivid, and his narrations thrilling, he married Manilla Briones, a native daughter of Santa Clara county, who died May 3, 1858, at the early age of thirty-five.  Eleven children were born into his family, three of whom attained maturity:  John A.; Adele (Mrs. Martin), of San Juan, Cal.; and Simfariano, of El Paso, Mexico.

     John H. Fellom was born on his father's California ranch near Gilroy, October 17, 1840, and was educated in the public schools of Santa Clara county.  As a boy he became familiar with the good points of the stock on the paternal ranch, and his earliest recollections are of the purchase and sale of cattle, hogs and horses.  He has known no other occupation but that in which he is at present engaged, and having a great liking for his work, he has brought to bear upon it great intelligence, extended study, and continuous progression.  His home ranch of two hundred and seventy acres, five miles northeast of Gilroy, is a model of neatness and thrift, and, like his other ranch of two hundred and nineteen acres near San Ysidro, or old Gilroy, is stocked with the finest cattle to be found in the county.  The majority of the improvements upon both farms are due to their present owner, and both are valuable and finely cultivated properties.  Mr. Fellom has reared a family of interesting children: Corinna, John Alexander, Isabelle, Louis, Peter, Marianna, William Mathes, and Lauretta, all of whom are still under the family roof.  Mr. Fellom married Miss Blandina Ortega, a daughter of Joseph Ortega, who became one of the largest landowners and farmers of Santa Clara county.  Mrs. Fellom was born in Monterey June 3, 1853, and since her marriage has materially advanced the interests of her husband through her systematic management of their pleasant home, and her unfailing sympathy with his plans and aspirations.  Mr. Fellom is a member of the Catholic Church, and politically endorses the principles of the Democratic party.  He is faithful to friends and interests, a man of high principle and sterling worth, and enjoys the confidence of the neighbors and friends who have striven with him for the betterment of his prosperous locality.





Transcribed 5-8-15  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 584-587. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Marilyn R. Pankey.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library