Santa Clara County











     In Santa Clara county, of which he has been a resident since 1889, Andrew Fair is known as the owner of a finely developed fruit ranch of ten acres, the management of which has long since been handed over to his sons, while he enjoys a life of comparative leisure.  He is one of the few men who came to America with a realization of the really large opportunities in some lines of business in Ireland, and who, upon leaving the shores of their native land, carry with them the assurance of having already made a success of life.  Gaining the top round of the ladder as a contractor and builder, he had attained to prominence and great usefulness, erecting buildings which still house the families and industries of a large section of country.  Born in County Tyrone, Ireland, whence his father had removed from County Fermanagh at the beginning of his independent life, he was made familiar with tools from early youth, his father, James Fair, being a well-known contractor and builder for many years, maintaining a large business in connection with the management of a farm which netted him a comfortable living.   James Fair married Susannah Graham, a native of County Tyrone, and reared a family of four sons and two daughters, all of whom preceded Andrew, the oldest, to this country.   James Fair himself arrived in America during the latter '70s, and besides farming established a building and contracting business in Wapella, Dewitt county, Ill., where the balance of his life was spent.  The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Fair were as follows:  Andrew, Thomas, James G. (United States senator from California), Edward, Mrs. Mary Anderson and Mrs. Margaret Carrothers.  Of these, Thomas and James G. are deceased.

     In his youth Andrew Fair evidenced marked mechanical ingenuity, which was fostered and improved under his father's instruction, and finally developed into his life work.  One by one his family departed for America, but so well was he appreciated that he felt no temptation to follow their example until 1889, and in the meantime he had erected residences and public buildings in several parts of the country, doing a large yearly business, and becoming prominent and influential in his own and the surrounding counties.  His appreciation of America was therefore based upon its physical and social advantages, and he wisely came to California, lured by its advantages of climate and out-door life; having in the meantime paid a brief visit to the northwestern part of Iowa.  With him from Ireland came his wife, formerly Mary Montgomery, of County Tyrone, and his three children, Annie, John and James, the latter of whom is manager of the ranch.  Mr. Fair is a Republican in politics, and in religion is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.  He has the manner and bearing of one who has gained assured success, and who has found a pleasant place in which to spend his years of richly earned leisure.





Transcribed 1-18-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 961-962. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library