Santa Clara County












            Among the native sons of California who are continuing the agricultural prestige of their family, and adding to it the vigor of younger years, and the advantages of modern methods, is Charles A. English, owner of a well cultivated ranch of forty-three acres on the Prospect road, Moreland school district. Mr. English is a practical horticulturist as well as agriculturist, having eighteen acres under prunes, and five acres under peaches. His ranch is equipped with latter-day implements, good outhouses, and a modern and comfortable dwelling. That he is a painstaking and conscientious workman finds confirmation in every department of his enterprise, and the visitor is impressed with the air of neatness and method, without which no ranch combines the delightful, homelike and practical phases of country life.

            Born on a ranch in Mendocino county Cal., October 24, 1862, Mr. English is a son of William P. and Melissa J. (Barnes) English, natives of Missouri, and born June 14, 1834, and January 1, 1847, respectively. William P. English outgrew the opportunities by which he was surrounded in Missouri, and in 1852 crossed the plains with ox teams, thereafter operating in various mining sections of the state. His success was not sufficiently pronounced to continue mining indefinitely, and in 1857 he located in Mendocino county and returned to the occupation of farming, in which he had been reared, and which had been followed by his ancestors for many generations. That his forte lay in this direction was all too apparent for he fell in with the spirit of the west, and created a success in accord with his expectations. In time he owned sixteen hundred acres of land, upon which roamed large herds of cattle, and where extensive general farming was conducted. The genial owner amassed a fortune, considering his occupation, and now that years crowd heavily upon him he is enabled to spend them in retirement, and in travel over different part of the country. He is one of the substantial and reliable large land owners of Mendocino county and his firm grasp upon his pioneer surroundings, and equally forceful mastery of later opportunities, makes him a conspicuous and masterful factor in the history of Mendocino county. The mother died February 24, 1897.

            For his life equipment Charles A. English had a practical common school education, supplemented by a course at the Pacific Methodist College, which he entered in 1883, and from which he graduated in 1887. He continued ranching with his father in Mendocino county until 1890, and then purchased his present property in Prospect road. He married in this county, Mary C. Graves, born on the farm now owned by her husband, and then the possession of her father, Jacob Graves, a native of Tennessee, and a California pioneer of 1849. Mr. Graves was successful as a miner and farmer, contributing much to the material and general upbuilding of Santa Clara county, in which he settled at an early day. He lived to the age of sixty-two years, his death occurring March 12, 1890. Three sons have been born into the English home, William Frank, Floyd Everett, and Donald Charles. As a stanch Democrat Mr. English has been prominent in local politics, although he is liberal minded enough to vote for either party he thinks in the right, or for any man well fitted to serve the public interests. He has been a school director three terms, and at present is serving his sixth year as road supervisor. He is fraternally connected with Santa Clara Lodge No. 52, I. O. O. F., and the Grange of Cupertino. Like his esteemed father, he is a tireless worker, a good manager, and fair and honorable in all of his dealings.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 915. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Cecelia M. Setty.







Santa Clara Biography

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