Santa Clara County











     In 1876, when Mr. Dorety purchased his present ranch near Campbell, it was covered with waving grain, but in the intervening years it has been completely transformed and is now planted entirely to fruit trees.  The ranch originally comprised forty acres, but he has sold half this amount, and the remaining twenty acres are equally divided as to prune, apricot, cherry and peach trees.

     James Dorety was born in Belfast, Ireland, in 1828, a son of Daniel and Nancy (Lynn) Dorety, both of Irish birth, the former born in Londonderry and the latter in Belfast.  In 1850 Daniel Dorety came to the United States, bringing with him his wife and family, the eldest of whom was James.  Settlement was made in New Hampshire, and in the vicinity of Concord the father engaged in farming.  Both of the parents died in New Hampshire.  Their family comprised five children, three sons and two daughters.  James was twenty-two years old when the family removed to the United States, prior to which event he had received an excellent education in the national schools of Belfast.  In selecting a trade which would be both congenial and remunerative he determined to learn the carriage-maker's trade, and in Concord, N.H., devoted himself assiduously to learning it in all its details until 1861, when he went to Australia as a finished workman.  As a blacksmith in the employ of the American Stage Company he worked in the vicinity of Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, for five years, and in 1866 came to California.  That he was impressed with the idea that it was a good place to reside permanently was demonstrated by his purchase of land on the Los Gatos road, five miles southwest of San Jose, and at that time there was only one house between his own and the town.  For eight years he was here busily engaged at his trade, carrying on an extensive business as a blacksmith.  The busy blacksmith shop has since been replaced by the stately residence of Senator Conklin.  In 1874 Mr. Dorety purchased one hundred and eighty acres on Bear Creek road, and for two years raised fruit and carried on general farming, besides cutting timber.  It was in 1876 that he came to his present home, in the vicinity of Campbell, and here location and occupation combined are producing satisfactory results from a financial point of view, and Mr. Dorety has no desire to reside elsewhere.

      In Sydney, Australia, Mr. Dorety was united in marriage with Miss Pemblar Bye, who was born in Bedford, England.  They became the parents of seven children, four sons and three daughters, five of whom are now living, Jane, Carrie, William P., James and Edith.  William is his father's valuable assistant in the management of the home ranch.  Those deceased are Charles and Daniel.  The family attend the Episcopal Church at Campbell.  In his political tendencies Mr. Dorety is an uncompromising Democrat.





Transcribed 3-25-15  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 451-452. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Marilyn R. Pankey.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library