Santa Clara County











            Numbered among the esteemed and popular residents of Santa Clara county is Charles Henry Dobbel, who, as a government official, is filling the position of postmaster at Palo Alto with marked ability.  A young man of tried and trusted integrity, possessing good judgment and tact, he is performing the duties devolving upon him to the eminent satisfaction of the general public, and to his own credit and honor.  Of substantial German descent, he was born October 24, 1872, at Purissama, San Mateo county, Cal., a son of Henry Dobbel.

            A native of Holstein, Germany, Henry Dobbel was born July 1, 1829.  In his younger life he followed the sea, for a time being steward on board a ship.  In 1850, serving in that capacity he came to the United States, and for six years thereafter engaged in the restaurant and café business in San Francisco.  Going to Alameda county, Cal., in1856, he purchased land in Mount Eden, but was obliged to pay for it three times, owing to defective land titles, thereby inflicting great hardships upon him.  He was engaged in agricultural pursuits there for a number of years.  In 1868 he settled in Purissam, where he carried on general farming until his death, in 1891.  He was an honest, industrious man, highly respected by all, and was actively identified in political matters with the Republican party.  While in San Francisco he married Margaret Schroder, who was born in Beckstadt, Hanover, Germany, and died in Purissama, Cal., in 1885 at the age of fifty-four years.  Six sons and two daughters were born of their union, and of these both daughters and four sons are living, Charles H. being youngest child.

            Having completed the course of study in the common schools, Charles Henry Dobbel entered Heald’s Business College, in San Francisco, and was there graduated in 1893.  He previously worked as a clerk for eighteen months in a grocery store in that city, and the following eight years, from 1894 until 1902, he was employed as bookkeeper at the Palo Alto stock farm.  Being made assistant postmaster at Palo Alto in 1902, Mr. Dobbel served in that capacity for eight months, when he was appointed to his present responsible position as postmaster.  Assuming charge of the post office on April 1, 1903, he has since discharged the duties devolving upon him with recognized ability and fidelity.  This is a second class office, and in March, 1904, a free delivery system throughout the city was established, adding much to the convenience and satisfaction of the people.

            At Redwood City, Cal., Mr. Dobbel married Lillian Neuman, and into the pleasant household thus established three children have been born, namely:  Charles Arthur, Lillian May and Edith Elizabeth.  Politically Mr. Dobbel is actively identified with the Republican party.  Fraternally he belongs to San Mateo Lodge No. 168, F. & A. M., of Redwood City, and to Mayfield Lodge No. 294, A. O. U. W.





Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1129-1130. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016  Joyce Rugeroni.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library