Santa Clara County










            A man of energy, enterprise and liberality, Wheeler D. Dexter has won for himself the esteem and confidence of his fellow men in his effort to acquire the competency which the world owes every man. Born at Lawrence Station, Santa Clara county, July 4, 1853, he was the oldest son of his father, Albert Dexter, one of the first and most honored settlers of this section. For more complete details concerning his life, refer to his sketch which appears elsewhere in this volume.

            From Santa Clara county the Dexter family removed to San Mateo county, locating in Redwood City where the father conducted a mercantile enterprise for a number of years. The youth of Wheeler D. Dexter was spent in that city and on the farm near Gilroy, where his father afterward located, interspersing his home duties with attendance at the district school in pursuit of an education. He also attended the public schools of Santa Clara for a time. On completing his education he settled down on his father’s ranch, where he remained until he entered upon independent operations in the agricultural line. In the Pacheco mountains he owned a ranch of sixteen hundred acres, just twenty-two miles from his present location, and this he fenced and utilized for stock-raising purposes. After some time he sold his ranch and removed to the home ranch, of which he now owns two hundred acres, devoting the same to the cultivation of hay and grain. He also has an orchard of fifteen acres. His ranch, in a high state of cultivation, well improved and carefully tended, lies on the Pacheco Pass road, five miles east of Gilroy.

            In Gilroy Mr. Dexter married Emily Reithet, a native of that city, and the daughter of Jacob Reithet, a pioneer of the state of California. Of this union were born the following children: Nellie, the wife of William Dowdy, located near Gilroy; Bertha, the wife of James Babb, of Gilroy; Fred Reithet, farming with his father; Mary, the wife of John Deward, of Gilroy; and Percy Raymond, at home. Fraternally Mr. Dexter affiliates with the Redmen, and politically is a Republican. A man of fine characteristics, a kindly personality, Mr. Dexter enjoys to an unusual degree the regard of those about him, and in turn gives to those with whom he comes in contact an application of the Golden Rule, which motto has been the mainspring of his actions thus far in life. At one time he served efficiently on the grand jury. 




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1366-1367. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016  Cecelia M. Setty.







Santa Clara Biography

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