Santa Clara County











            Richard M. De Meza, a successful fruit rancher in Santa Clara County, Cal., owns a productive ranch of nineteen acres located among the foot-hills six miles of San Jose, devoted to the raising of prunes and apricots. Since purchasing the place in 1901 he has added a number of substantial improvements, putting his land in a fine state of cultivation. His broad experience in fruit culture prior to making this purchase gave him an insight into the business and has been a prime factor of his success.

            Of German-American parentage, Mr. De Meza was born in Saxon, Germany, March 7, 1865, being the only child of his parents. His father, Charles De Meza, was a Californian by birth. While still a young man he went to Germany and at Saxon he followed mercantile life, conducting a dry goods store there for two years. There he married Miss Louisa Rudolph, a native of that city. After the birth of their son the latter was left to the care of his maternal grandmother and the parents returned to the original home of the father in San Francisco. Here Mr. De Meza again entered mercantile life, which he followed until his death, which took place when Richard M. was nine years old. The latter was reared by his grandmother until he attained the age of twelve years, being sent to school in Germany. In 1877 he came to the United States, in company with a lawyer of Saxon, a friend of the family. Joining his mother in San Francisco, he was entered as a student at Mound College, where he pursed his studies for two years. Mrs. Louisa De Meza died in San Francisco in 1884.

            It was not until 1880 that Mr. De Meza became identified with Santa Clara county industries, and in that year he came to San Jose and for a number of years thereafter followed farm pursuits in this county, a part of the time working for others and at other times renting land on his own behalf. He followed this life until 1901, the date upon which he purchased his foothill ranch, which has been his home ever since. By his marriage in San Jose he was united with Miss Mary S. Marten, who was born in Santa Clara county, and they have two children, Frederick M. and Loueva Georgia. Politically Mr. De Meza is a Republican. 




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 1417. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2017  Cecelia M. Setty.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library