Santa Clara County











     Characterized by the same energetic activity, mental vigor and business foresight that distinguished his thrifty English ancestors, Frederick George Deane holds a high position among the leading horticulturists of Santa Clara county.  His estate, with its beautiful residence and pleasant environments, and its extensive fruit orchards, is advantageously located on the Watsonville road, three and one-half miles from Morgan Hill, at the entrance to Paradise Valley, and is one of the most attractive and desirable pieces of property in this section of California.  Coming here with ample means, he has spared neither time nor expense in improving his place, and has been an influential force in developing and promoting the horticultural interests, being the first to set out orchards in this locality.  A son of Owen Deane, he was born April 23, 1852, in Hartlepool, a seaport town of County Durham, England, which was the home of his ancestors for several generations.  His grandfather Deane was an officer in the Coast Guards, and while leading his men in a charge against a band of smugglers received injuries which caused his death when his son Owen was but nine years old.

     Having learned the trade of a ship-builder and joiner, Owen Deane opened a yard of his own in Hartlepool, where he carried on a good business for a number of years.  During the Crimean war he removed to London, where he continued as a ship-builder until his death, at the age of sixty-four years.  He married Elizabeth Pitt, who was born in Shoreham, Sussex county, England, and is now a resident of London, England.  The seven children born of their union are all living, Frederick George, the second child in succession of birth, being the only one in America.  Both of the parents united with the  Episcopalian Church when young, and the mother is still a member.

     Having acquired a substantial education in the public schools of London, Mr. Deane returned to Hartlepool when eighteen years old, and after serving an apprenticeship of three years at the grocery trade was there engaged in the grocery business on his own account from 1873 until 1890, as a merchant meeting with good success.  Disposing of his interests in the latter-named years, Mr. Deane emigrated to America, locating in San Jose, Cal., in June.  Desiring to put in practice his acquired knowledge and theories of fruit growing, he purchased a ranch of seven acres near Campbell, Santa Clara county, and began the culture of different kinds of fruit.  His labors proved remunerative, and in 1894 he bought his present farm of thirty-two acres, near Morgan Hill, having, however, previously traveled through this and adjoining valleys in search of a favorable location, and selecting this ranch in preference to others on account of the water supply furnished by the Llagas creek.  At once beginning its improvement, Mr. Deane devoted the entire ranch to the culture of fruit, setting out prunes, apricots and peaches, in the raising of which he has been eminently successful, finding the soil well adapted to this purpose.  In 1895 he built his beautiful and commodious residence, and having removed here with his family sold his Campbell estate, and has since made this his home.

     In Hartlepool, England, Mr. Deane married Grace Eliza Smith, a native of Ayton, Yorkshire, England, and they have five children, namely:  Frederick R., connected with the Wells-Fargo Express Company, in San Francisco; Sophia, graduated from the University of the Pacific with the degree of D.M., is a music teacher in Berkeley, Cal.; Grace, at home; and Charles Edwin and Alfred, twins, at home.  In local and national affairs Mr. Deane evinces a warm interest, keeping well informed regarding current events, and taking an active part in public affairs.  While a resident of Hartlepool, England, he was for many years a member of the city council, and after coming to California was for six years the clerk, and one of the trustees of the Machado school district.  He was one of the building committee that erected the Methodist Episcopal Church at Morgan Hill, of which he is a charter member, and is now serving as steward and as trustee.  In October, 1904, Mr. Deane made a trip to Europe, visiting his old home and early associates.





Transcribed 1-23-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 957. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library