Santa Clara County
octogenarian and for fifty-five years a resident of California, Mr. David has
spent forty-six years of this time in the vicinity of San Jose, in Santa Clara
county. To him belongs the distinction of having lived in many different lands
and of having followed diversified occupations. Born on the shore of the
Mediterranean sea, at Monte Carlo, May 17, 1823, he is the only child
of John A. and Anna (Costo) David, both of whom
are now deceased. The father died in early manhood and the mother of Mr. David
was a commission merchant in France in the produce and fruit business. Educated
in the common schools of his native place, Mr. David, upon leaving school,
bought produce in and about Monte Carlo and nearby places for his mother, in
whose interests he subsequently also traveled in Egypt, Italy, Greece and over
the most of Europe.
From early boyhood he
possessed a desire to come to the United States, and in 1846 his desire became
a reality. Upon his arrival here he located one year at New Orleans, where he
found employment in a grocery store. On account of the prevalence of yellow
fever in that section he returned to Egypt and later to France, and it was not
until 1849 that he again turned his attention to America. During this year he
went to South America and was located for a short time at Vaparaiso,
where he worked in a foundry. Before the close of the year, however, he pushed
on to California and engaged in mining pursuits. For two years following this
he was engaged in placer mining at Rich Gulch, but afterward returned to San
Francisco and for a number of years followed teaming there and also for a year
in San Jose, whither he had removed in 1858. The year following this he
purchased the farm on Lincoln avenue, which is still his home, the original
purchase containing ten acres. This he planted to apples and assorted fruits,
and he also engaged in market-gardening, spending the intervening years of his
life in this pursuit.
By his marriage, in
San Francisco, he was united with Miss Matina De Prey,
who was born near Paris, France, and who died in the home place near San Jose
in 1882. No children blessed this union. In his political preferment
Mr. David is a stanch Republican. He is a valued
member of the Pioneer Society, and was a member of the early vigilance
committee. While still a resident of France he was for a time a soldier in the
French army.
Transcribed by Marie Hassard
04 May 2015.
ญญญญSource: History
of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties,
California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 553-554. The Chapman
Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.
ฉ 2015 Marie