Santa Clara County










A. G. COL.  Leading factors of success in the career of A. G. Col have been faithfulness, integrity and strict attention to details.  Laxity in these homely virtues has never been tolerated by this honored citizen, and they have been conspicuously felt during his term of service as county auditor, during his many years of association with the firm of Lemoine, Gambert & Co., in both San Francisco and San Jose, and are at present shaping into paying channels a recently established wholesale commission business at Nos. 26 and 28 North Market street, San Jose.


Born in the Department of Savoy, near Chambourg, France, February 26, 1864, Mr. Col comes of a family which has been associated with tanning interests in Savoy for many generations.  His father, Joseph, was no exception to the rule, but his business career was cut short at the age of thirty-one, leaving to the care of his wife, formerly Louise Dubettier, two sons, A. G. and P. E., the latter of whom is engaged in a wholesale grocery business.  In the fall of 1878 Mrs. Col brought her sons to America, and soon afterward went to San Francisco, in 1880 locating in San Jose, which continued to be her home for the balance of her life.  A. G. Col was primarily educated in France, and for a short time attended the public schools of San Francisco.  The family resources being limited, he was obliged to go to work earlier than many boys, and was fortunate in securing his first business experience with the firm of Lemoine, Gambert & Co., one of the best-known mercantile concerns in San Francisco.  So valued were his services that he was transferred under the same management to their store in San Jose in 1880, where he clerked for over twenty years, and where he was manager from 1895 until 1900.


Mr. Col’s resignation from the firm of Lemoine, Gambert & Co. followed upon his appointment to the office of county auditor in July, 1900, by the board of county supervisors, to fill the unexpired term of A. L. Veuve, deceased.  During his term of service, which covered two and a half years, and terminated in January, 1903, he evidenced a high degree of efficiency and pronounced regard for the well-being of the community which placed him in power.  He has otherwise served the Republican party, and at the time of framing the new charter of San Jose, was elected one of the freeholders’ committee for that purpose.  Upon retiring from the county auditor’s office Mr. Col started his present wholesale commission business on North Market street, an enterprise which his success in the past invests with great promise, and in which he has the hearty co-operation and good will of his fellow-townsmen.  Mr. Col’s family consists of his wife, formerly Augustine Promis, a native of Victoria, British Columbia, and two children, Raymond and Mervyn.  Fraternally Mr. Col is connected with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks.







*Spelling Variation: Alponso



[Inserted by D. Toole.]


A. G. Col

[Alphonse G Col]

1897 May 1, The San Francisco Call, P8, San Francisco, California

The Wheelmen

First Race Meet Here Under the Association Sanction Tomorrow


The president of the California Associated Cycling Clubs has appointed A. G. Co. of San Jose and R. M. Thompson of Fresno members of the track-racing committee.  There are two members yet to be appointed.  R. A. Smyth of San Francisco is appointed official handicapper. 


1900 Sep 29, The San Francisco Call, P3, San Francisco, California

Santa Clara Tax Levy

San Jose Sept 28 – County Auditor A. G. Col to-day announced the total assessed valuation of property in Santa Clara County as $51,971,267.50.  The total for last year was $51,619,519, showing an increase during the past year of $351,748.56.  The county tax levy is $1.50 on the hundred outside and $1.10 inside.  The total city and county tax levy for San Jose is $2.35 on the hundred.


1904 Dec 19, Evening News, P2, San Jose, California

Real Estate Transactions

A. G. Col to Augustine Col – 62x 137.90 W 1 5th st 123.72 ft N of San Salvador st, pt L 5 & 8 B 3 R 5 S, San Jose, Gift.


1909 Jul 18, Santa Cruz Sentinel, P4, Santa Cruz, California

Mrs. A. G. Col and family of San Jose are here for the summer and are stopping in Miss Hill’s cottage on Ocean street.


1914 Aug 5, San Francisco Chronicle, P12, San Francisco, California

Commissioners Suspended

Special Dispatch to The Chronicle

San Jose, August 4 – Police Commissioners A. G. Col and J. S. Williams were suspended last night until October 1st on charges preferred by Mayor Husted.  It is alleged that they voted to spend more money than the Commission had at its disposal, and they had public work done by private contract instead of by competitive bed, as the charter provides.


1925 Nov 15, Oakland Tribune, P23, Oakland, California

San Joseans Will Drill for Oil

San Jose, Nov. 14 – Louis O’Neal, local attorney, interested in an oil development project in the Lone Hill region, 12 miles west of here, announced today that $46,000 worth of oil drilling apparatus arrived in San Jose yesterday for use in working his syndicate’s oil leases.  Other San Joseans interested in the project are:  J. W. Chilton, A. G. Col, A. L. Brassy, John Kocher, Henry Artana, Paul Marston, Irving Lee and E. G. Zaro.  Alfred Tenneally, southern California oil geologist, will be in charge of drilling operations.


1935 Feb 12, Oakland Tribune, P27, Oakland, California


Col – In San Jose, February 10, Al G. Col, husband of Augustine Col, father of Raymond and Mervyn Col, a native of France, aged 70 years.


1935 Feb 14, The Petaluma Argus-Courier, P9, Petaluma, California

Former Merchant in San Jose Dies

Mass for the repose of the soul of Alphonse G. Col, 70, retired commission merchant, former Santa Clara county auditor, and ex-police and fire commissioner of San Jose, was celebrated Tuesday at St. Joseph’s church, San Jose.  Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Augustine Col and his two sons, Raymond Col and Mervyn Col.  The latter is the husband of the former Miss Lucille Meyer, daughter of Attorney and Mrs. F. A. Meyer of this city.





Transcribed by Donna Toole.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1367-1368. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016  Donna Toole.







Santa Clara Biography

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