Santa Clara County











            JOHN P. BUBB. Few of the pioneers of Santa Clara county are so firmly enshrined in the hearts and the appreciation of their fellow men as John P. Bubb. The incidental strayer into the region around Cupertino is not long left in ignorance of the causes for the popularity of this genial and venerable land owner. In him is found that touch of nature which makes the whole world kin, and which inspires to gentle judgment of others, unselfishness in sharing the good things which well directed toil has brought his way, and hope and high ideals which beautify even the most commonplace of surroundings. Not that Mr. Bubb’s environment approaches the ordinary in any sense of the word, for he has one of the finest and best equipped properties in the neighborhood, consisting of forty acres of land in the heart of an ideal agricultural and fruit-raising district. He has been an interested and helpful spectator of the up-building of this community, and has witnessed its innumerable changes with enthusiasm and delight, since his arrival in 1850.

            A California settler of 1849, Mr. Bubb inherits the pioneering instinct as well as the fortitude and practical common sense which lift it above adventure into the field of usefulness and success. One thinks of Washington county, Mo., as a dreary wilderness at the time of his birth there August 8, 1828, yet his father, William Bubb, was already well established in the neighborhood, having settled there in 1814, after his arrival from his native city of London, England. He married Mary Ann Gibson, a daughter of the Old Dominion, and reared a family of five sons and four daughters, of whom John P. is the eldest and the only one now living. The latter having come to California in September, 1849, the father decided to follow with the family the following year, and in the spring of 1850 set out with ox teams, finally arriving at Fremont Junction, on the Sacramento river. Here he spent the winter, and the following spring removed to Downieville, Cal., where he mined, and from there came to Santa Clara county in 1851, where he bought the farm of three hundred and sixty acres near Mountainview, where he and his wife died at advanced ages.

            In Missouri the Bubb children attended a subscription school held in a log schoolhouse, and in California found their opportunities equally crude. John P., with the forceful vigor of nineteen years, recognizing the disparity between his mental training and the opportunities which he found in California, applied himself to acquiring knowledge in the night schools, even though overcome with weariness after a clay of hard toil in the fields. He at once engaged with his father in the stock business, but at the age of twenty had started in for himself, and was very successful. He moved to Fresno county in 1857 and in 1866 came to his present home. At present he has his forty acres all under fruit. For twenty-five years he has been an extensive stock-raiser, and some of the finest cattle reaching local markets have grown to maturity under his personal care.

            Mr. Bubb’s wife represents a type of energy no less forceful than his own. She was formerly Mrs. Jeannette (Gray) Croall, and was born in Scotland, where she received a fair education, but became dissatisfied with the prospects in her native land. Ambitious beyond the majority of her countrywomen, she came to America in 1866, accompanied by her daughter, Margaret Croall, now Mrs. Regnart. Mr. and Mrs. Bubb were married on the old Bubb homestead November 10, 1870. They have been the parents of one son and one daughter. Like her husband, she is growing old gracefully, retaining the innate goodness and sweetness of her nature. Mrs. Bubb is an active member and worker in the Union Church of Cupertino, which she assisted in organizing and toward the building of which she was a contributor. Mr. Bubb is noted for his large-heartedness, and for his generous response to just appeals for assistance. While the majority of his benefactions have been performed quietly and unostentatiously, there are many who are glad to recall the ready help given them in time of need, when there appeared no other way out of some temporary difficulty. He has taken an active interest in politics, and in casting his vote invariably votes the Democratic ticket and chooses the man who nearest approaches his standard of political honesty and public spiritedness. In stature Mr. Bubb reflects his fine and noble character, being over six feet tall, and of ideal physical proportions. He has a gentle wit and inexhaustible fund of good nature, and with his wife makes one of the most popular and well loved couples in the county.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 04 May 2015.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 558-559. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Marie Hassard.








Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library