Santa Clara County









     Through a comparatively recent acquisition to the business world of Palo Alto, John Duncan Boyd has already established a reputation for real estate operations which justify expectations of unquestioned future success.  He is one of the younger generation of business men who are fortunately the possessors of unexcelled educational training, and who, with this foundation upon which to build, are looking forward to a future of great and practical usefulness.  Mr. Boyd was born in Riverside, Cal., August 8, 1872, and is the second of three sons and three daughters in the family of James and Catherine (McIntyre) Boyd, natives of Scotland.  James Boyd was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, where he owned a farm, and from where he immigrated to the United States in 1869.  Locating near Los Angeles he engaged in farming and stock-raising until 1872, when he removed to Riverside, and set out about the first orange orchard of the now celebrated region.  He has succeeded as a horticulturist, and still lives in his beautiful home on Chicago avenue, where he owns fifteen acres, and is surrounded by the delights of existence known only to those who breathe an orange flower air.


     Educated primarily in the public schools, Mr. Boyd graduated from the high school in 1891, and in 1893 entered the Stanford University, from which he was duly graduated in l897, with the degree of A. B.  His inclination at that time turned to electrical engineering, which he followed at Redlands and Marysville, and later traveled throughout the Sacramento valley, locating in Amador county in 1901.   While his occupation proved a success from a financial standpoint the traveling incident to the business prevented his permanent establishment in any community, and he therefore came to Palo Alto in 1902 and identified himself with real estate interests.    He is interested in the purchase and disposal of both town and country properties, and is also engaged in the insurance business.  He has already acquired a wide knowledge of the local bearings of the business, and is thoroughly conversant with the many claims for recognition possessed by this beautiful region.  As proof of his faith in the future of the town he has invested in city real estate, and owns a residence at No. 373 Channing avenue.


     Pronouncedly public spirited, Mr. Boyd has recently stepped into political prominence as town clerk, having been elected April 11, 1904, for a term of two years.  He is a Republican of stanch convictions, and is a believer in public service without the sacrifice of personal principle.  Fraternally he is connected with the Blue Lodge, No. 326, F. & A.M., the Chapter No. 13, of Marysville, the Commandery No. 7, of Marysville, and the Palo Alto Council No. 3.  He is a member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and of the Native Sons of the Golden West.  Mr. Boyd married in Marysville, Cal., Fannie Boyd, of a different family, and who is a native of Illinois.  The only child of this union is named Catherine.  Mr. Boyd has a strong and interesting personality, shrewd business sagacity, and an abundance of push and determination.  He is courteous and genial in manner, impressively earnest and sincere, and sufficiently ambitious to make a success of anything to which he gives his undivided attention. 





Transcribed by Louise E. Shoemaker, September 6, 2016.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 1208. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Louise E. Shoemaker.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library