Santa Clara County











          Among the successful orchardists of Santa Clara county Mr. Billings takes firsts rank.  When he located on his present cultivation.  He set out three hundred and fifty apricot trees, four hundred prune, and one hundred peach trees, besides such other fruits as cherries, apples, plums, figs and pears.  The results of his labors as an orchardist are gratifying, and although he is now living somewhat retired from active life, at the age of seventy-five years he can look back over his past efforts with satisfaction.  The management of the ranch has been turned over almost entirely to his son Frank, who owns a ranch near that of his father, and is thus enabled to relieve his father from care and labor in his declining years.

     Mr. Billings was born in Kennebec county, Me., June 19, 1829, a son of William and Eliza (Rice) Billings, both natives of Maine.  The paternal grandfather, Oliver Billings, was born in Massachusetts, where in addition to farming he also filled the pulpit of the Baptist church in his home town.  His death occurred in Maine.  William Billings followed farming throughout life, making his home near Fayette, Kennebec county, Me., and he died in Auburn, Androscoggin county, that state.  Mrs. Billings dying at Livermore Falls, Me.  Of the nine children, five sons, and four daughters, born to Mr. and Mrs. Billings, Moses F. is the third in order of birth.  His educational facilities were meager and it fell to his lot at an early age to prepare for his support.  At the age of fourteen years he entered upon a three-years apprenticeship to the carpenter’s trade in Fayette, Me., the first year receiving $40, the second year $50, and the last year $80.  With his knowledge of carpentry as his stock in trade he went to Berlin, Wis., in 1848, and the next year removed to Wausau, the same state, where he followed contracting and carpenter work when the weather permitted outside work, and at other times he was employed in the manufacture of sash, door and blinds.  The year 1865 found him in Rockford, Ill., working at the carpenter’s trade, and from 1866 to 1868 he was similarly occupied in Minneapolis, Minn.  The farming facilities in that locality, however, appealed strongly to him, and laying aside his trade, he devoted his time to agricultural pursuits for sixteen years near Minneapolis.  At the end of that time or in 1883, he came directly to Santa Clara county, Cal., and the ranch which he then selected and purchased has been the family residence ever since.

     November 9, 1856, at Warsaw, Minn., Mr. Billings was married to Harriet M. Millard, who was born in Allegany, N.Y.  Her father, Arnold Millard, was born in New York state, and his death occurred while the family were en route to Illinois, on the Ohio river.  His wife, Maria W. Slater, was also born in New York, and after the death of her husband continued the journey to Illinois, settling in Rockford.  Her death occurred in the latter city.  Mr. and Mrs. Billings became the parents of three children: Reuel Fay, deceased; Anna M., at home; and Frank Burton, who lives on a ranch near Campbell, and in addition to managing is own property, has charge of his father’s orchard.  Politically Mr. Billings casts his vote in favor of Republican candidates.




Transcribed by Louise E. Shoemaker, June 04, 2015.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 630. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Louise E. Shoemaker.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library