Santa Clara County












            Prominent among the leading professional men of San Jose is Augustus G. Bennett, D. D.S., a skillful and popular young dentist, who has built up a successful and lucrative practice in this city and its suburbs. A man of undoubted integrity, honest and honorable in all of his business transactions, he has won the confidence of his fellowmen, and is held in high esteem throughout this section of Santa Clara county, where he is well and widely known. A son of Col. Augustus Griffin Bennett, he was born January 20, 1872, in Jersey City, Hudson county, N. J., of substantial ancestry.

            A native of New York state, Col. Augustus G. Bennett was born and reared in Manchester, Ontario county. During the Civil war he enlisted in his country’s service, going to the front as captain of Company B, Eighty-first New York Volunteer Infantry. Subsequently recruiting in Florida the Twenty-first United States Regiment of Colored Volunteers, he was commissioned lieutenant colonel, and served as an active commander until the close of the war, as such receiving from the mayor of Charleston, S. C., the surrender of the city, February 18, 1865. On evacuating Charleston, General Hardee set fire to the buildings in which cotton was stored, but the threatened conflagration was fortunately arrested by Colonel Bennett and his troops, though not until after much of the business portion had been destroyed. For a few years after the close of the war the Colonel was engaged in the lumber business in Charleston, but sold out and removed to Jersey City, N. J., where he was employed for awhile as a furniture manufacturer. Leaving the east in 1876, Colonel Bennett came to San Jose, and, in company with his brother, J. S. Bennett, engaged in the manufacture of furniture, his factory occupying the present site of the Santa Clara Valley Lumber Company’s mill. He built up a large trade, carrying on a substantial business as a furniture manufacturer and dealer until selling out, being in company with different partners, as the head of the firm of Bennett, Patterson & Co., being located on San Pedro street. The plant there being burned, Colonel Bennett became identified with the San Jose Furniture & Manufacturing Company, and was located on the corner of St. James and Pleasant streets until the factory was closed, after which he was engaged in a retail furniture business until selling out. Public spirited and active, Colonel Bennett has taken an active part in the management of public affairs, and served in many official capacities. For four years he was superintendent of streets, was a member of the City Council one term; for a number of years was one of the Board of Education, and served in the thirtieth session of the state legislature as a representative. He was a prominent member of the John A. Dix Post, G. A. R., of which he was past commander, and belonged to the California Chapter of the Loyal Legion. In politics he was a Republican, and in religion a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. His death occurred August 10, 1897, at his home in San Jose.

            In Utica, N. Y., Colonel Bennett married Mary Elizabeth Jones, a native of that city. Her father, Rev. Erasmus W. Jones, emigrated from Wales, his native country, to America, and during the Civil war was chaplain of the Twenty-first United States Regiment of Colored Volunteers. He is a Methodist minister, and now a member of the New York conference. Two children were born of the marriage of Colonel and Mrs. Bennett, namely: Mrs. Eva Bell Morrison of San Jose and Augustus Griffin, Jr.

            Coming with the family to San Jose in 1876, Augustus G. Bennett, Jr., received his early education in this city, attending the common and high schools, during the vacation times assisting his father in the cabinet shop and furniture factory. In 1890, having studied in the dental office of Dr. J. L. Asay the previous year, he entered the dental department of the University of California, from which he was graduated in February, 1893, with the degree of D. D. S. Two months later Dr. Bennett opened his present office in San Jose, and has since been actively engaged in his chosen profession, practicing all branches of dentistry, and gaining an enviable reputation for his superior workmanship, which is artistic and durable. He has a very large and remunerative patronage, and occupies an attractive residence which he erected at No. 245 North Whitney street.

            Dr. Bennett married in San Jose, Ethel May Johnson, who was born in Ontario, Canada, and came to San Jose with her father, John Johnson, a carpenter and builder, now residing in Los Gatos, Cal. Mrs. Bennett is a woman of culture and refinement, and was graduated from the State Normal School of this city. By a former marriage Dr. Bennett is the father of one son, Delphine Gerald Bennett, aged five year. Dr. Bennett is an active member of Phil Sheridan Camp No. 4, Sons of Veterans, and in 1901 served as Department Commander of California. He also belongs to California Chapter of the Loyal Legion. For a year he served in the National Guards (sic) of the state. In politics he is a stanch Republican, and for eight years was secretary of the Santa Clara County Republican League. The doctor is a member of the Santa Clara Valley Dental Society, and belongs to the Woodmen of the World. True to the religious faith in which he was reared, Dr. Bennett has been for many years an influential member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is an officer in the Epworth League, and for a number of years has served as secretary of the Sunday school.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 331-332. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Cecelia M. Setty.








Santa Clara Biography

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