Santa Clara County











     Among the esteemed residents of Santa Clara county, Cal, Mrs. Baumgartner for the past sixteen years has resided on a small fruit ranch about one mile east of Campbell, and since the death of her husband in 1894, the management and care of this ranch has fallen to her lot, and the successful manner in which she has supervised her affairs shows that she possesses true business ability.  Born in Davenport, Iowa, she is the fifth child in a family of nine born to Fred and Rosalia (Geiger) Martie, both of whom were natives of Switzerland.  It was in the year 1845 that they crossed the ocean to the United States of America, and located in the vicinity of Davenport, Iowa, among the pioneers of that section.  Here it was that Mr. Martie purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land and followed farm pursuits until cut off by death in 1887.  Of the nine children born to him and his wife, six were sons and three were daughters, and four sons and two daughters are still living.

     The education of Mrs. Baumgartner was gleaned from the common schools of Iowa and she continued to remain at home until her marriage with Leonard Baumgartner.  The latter, also a native of faraway Switzerland, came to America in 1868 and was located successively in Iowa, Wisconsin and Nebraska, finally returning to Iowa, and it was there that his marriage took place.  In 1883, accompanied by his family, he went to California, by the old Monterey road.   It was not until 1888 that he purchased twelve acres of land on the Los Gatos road, near Campbell, and engaged in fruit culture.  Here upon this little fruit ranch in Santa Clara county, the remaining years of Mr. Baumgartner's life were spent, and he died in his prime, in 1894, being but forty-six years old at the time of his death.

     Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Baumgartner and they are called Fred, Martin, Bernice and Leonard.  With the assistance of these children, Mrs. Baumgartner conducts the ranch in an able manner and she is engaged exclusively in fruit culture, raising prunes, apricots and cherries, which yield a fair income.  The excellent manner in which the farm is kept bespeaks the continued prosperity of its owner.




Transcribed 1-10-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 926-927. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library