Santa Clara County











            Although a recent comer to Santa Clara county, Cal., Mr. Ayer has been a resident of the state for the past thirty-six years and during the greater part of this time he has been busily engaged in ranching pursuits, principally in San Mateo county. It was in 1901 that he purchased a small fruit ranch of eight and a half acres, on the corner of Alice avenue and Alviso road, in Mountainview, (sic) Santa Clara county, which was planted to apricots and prunes. Here he has made his home ever since 1902. He was born in New Brunswick, Canada, November 19, 1840, and is the second child in a family of six sons and four daughters born to William and Mary (Rye) Ayer. The father was a farmer by occupation, residing in the vicinity of Sackville for many years, and it was there that both he and his wife died.

            The scholastic training of Mr. Ayer was gleaned from the common schools and he remained at home assisting his father until he was eighteen; he had previously become apprenticed in the ship yards as a ship caulker, but continued to work on the farm at intervals up to 1868. During that year he proceeded to New York and secured passage on a vessel bound for California, the trip being made by the Panama route. The first winter of his residence in California was spent by Mr. Ayer in Milpitas, and in 1869 he went to Woodside, in San Mateo county, and for a number of years afterward he was employed in the sawmills of that vicinity. He was then induced to discontinue that line of work entirely and renting land near Woodside, turned his attention to farm pursuits. Here for years he raised hay, grain and cattle, renting four hundred acres of land well adapted for this purpose and he was quite successful, at last realizing sufficient capital with which to purchase a place of his own, which he did, in Santa Clara county, as before mentioned.

            In Woodside, Cal., Mr. Ayer married Miss Annie Alseph, also a native of Canada, who came to the United States in 1882. One son, Willard Melborne, blessed this union and he resides upon the home place. The political preference of Mr. Ayer is given to the Republican party, and he uses both his vote and influence for the benefit of that party, being quite active in political affairs. Socially he is allied with but one order, the Knights of Pythias of San Mateo county. During the short period of his residence at Mountainview (sic) he has won recognition as a man of progressive ideas, and the respect which is accorded him is well deserved. 




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1354-1355. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016  Cecelia M. Setty.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library