Santa Clara County












                The old Spanish names in California carry with them reminiscences of the early days in the history of the state and stand as landmarks of undeniable interest to the present generation. The first emigrant in the family of the name which heads this review was Jose Arques, a native of Barcelona, Spain. He was a merchant by occupation and in 1849 brought a cargo of goods to California from Chili, landing them at San Francisco. Foreseeing the great possibilities held out to the ambitious mind by the manifold opportunities of the state, he decided to cast in his lot with the early pioneers, endure the hardships and privations, and reap the harvest which the future would bring. Locating in Santa Clara he engaged in the mercantile business, still leaving his family in Spain. In 1852 his family joined him and he continued in business until 1855, when he retired permanently from active duties. Five years later he removed to San Jose, where his death occurred in 1864 at the age of fifty-eight years. His wife, who was formerly Francesca Naquera, born near Barcelona, Spain, died at the age of eighty-two years, leaving a family of four children, namely: Joseph A., deceased; Joaquin, the subject of this review; Clem R., of San Jose; and Louis, an attorney, also of this city.


                 Joaquin Arques was born in Barcelona, Spain, where he receive his education up to the time he was eight years old, when he accompanied his parents to America, and shortly after became a resident of San Jose. In this city he completed his education and following the early training received from his father he engaged in the mercantile business on attaining years of maturity. He met with gratifying success, but in addition to this he became extensively engaged in land deals and cattle as well as holding a position of no little importance in the financial line in the city as a prominent man in banking circles. He became the owner of a large ranch at Lawrence Station, where he erected a handsome and comfortable home and attended to his growing business interests from that location. He also owned the Todas Santos ranch, St. Inez valley, Santa Barbara county; Santa Rosa Rancho, San Luis Obispo county, and the Santa Ana Rancho, San Benito county. In his home at Lawrence Station Mr. Arques died in 1882 of heart failure, at the age of thirty-eight years. Just in the prime of life, Mr. Arques had accomplished a wide and varied success and had paved his way to a future which is granted to but few men, as but few possess the ability, perseverance and energy to attain such a position. With his death there passed from the community a force which was not inclined alone to personal success, but was as well bent toward the advancement of all interests calculated to promote the general welfare.


                  In the old Murphy home in San Jose, June 4, 1869, Mr. Arques was united in marriage with Nellie G. Murphy. She was born in Sacramento, Cal., a daughter of Martin Murphy, Jr., a pioneer of 1844, a sketch of whose life as well as that of his father, Martin Murphy, Sr., appearing elsewhere in this work. Elizabeth Murphy, a daughter of Martin Murphy, Jr., was the first white child born of emigrant parents in California. She became Mrs. Taaffe, and died at the old home at the age of thirty years, leaving four children, three of whom are living, and to whom Mrs. Arques has been devoted as a mother. Mrs. Arques is one of the most popular and beloved women of Santa Clara county, widely esteemed for her charity and amiability of disposition, and is as well a woman of much business ability, managing her affairs with great capability and energy since her husband’s death. Of the property owned by her husband she has sold all but the Santa Ana Rancho in San Benito county, and two hundred and fifty acres of the ranch at Lawrence Station, being now engaged upon the latter in general farming and horticultural pursuits. Mrs. Arques was educated at Notre Dame College, of San Jose, from which institution she was graduated in womanhood. She is the mother of two children, namely: Maude Frances, a graduate of Santa Clara Academy, and the wife of Dr. Frasse, of San Jose; and Clement R., a graduate of Santa Clara College and the owner of the Santa Martine ranch near Gilroy, where he is extensively engaged in the land and cattle business. Mrs. Arques is an active member of St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, and exemplifies her religion in her everyday life.    




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 717-718. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Cecelia M. Setty.







Santa Clara Biography

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