Santa Clara County









     Since coming to California in 1869 Thomas John Armstrong has lived on farms in different parts of the state, always with an increasing appreciation of the climate and other advantages which contribute to the health, wealth and happiness of those who live within its boundaries.  Purchasing his present farm off Almaden road, five miles south of San Jose, in 1890, he has since devoted seventeen of his twenty acres to prunes, pears and apricots, making such improvements as seemed to him practical after his extended experience, including a fine country residence of two stories erected in 1895.

     Born in Ireland,  December 24, 1848, Mr. Armstrong was reared on a small farm, and in a home atmosphere which he recalls as distinctly inspiring.  His parents, Thomas and Isabella (Lendrum) Armstrong, were both natives of Ireland, the birth of the latter occurring in the city of Armagh.  The father died in his native land when eighty years of age.  In 1871 the mother brought her family to the United States, and coming to California, located in San Jose, where her death occurred September 2, 1882, at the age of seventy-nine years.  Mrs. Armstrong was an active worker in the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years, and was a fine, strong and beautiful character, the friend and advisor (sic) of her children and their warmest and surest sympathizer in all the cares and joys which came to their lives.  Thomas John, the youngest of the two sons and five daughters, came to the United States in 1866, and in New York City became stock-keeper in the carpet warehouse of A. T. Stewart.  Two years later found him engaging in a dairy business near San Jose, and in 1873 he removed to Contra Costa county, where he raised grain and general produce for about eleven years.  Beginning with 1884 he conducted a dairy business in San Mateo county for six years, coming to his present home from there in 1890.

     While in Contra Costa county Mr. Armstrong married Erminie A. E. Howe, a native of New York, to whom has been born five children, all of whom are receiving practical common school educations.  Alice E., the oldest daughter, is attending the high school at Oakland; Mary is a student at the high school in San Jose; and Margaret, Thomas and Lewis are living at home.   Mr. Armstrong subscribes to the principles of the Republican party, and is active in the Methodist Episcopal Church of San Jose.  His success, admirable personal characteristics and public spirit are appreciated by a large circle of friends and well-wishers, and his home, family and influence are a distinct credit to his prosperous and promising community.





Transcribed 4-16-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1138-1141. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library