Santa Clara County











     A commodious, first-class hotel is an absolute necessity to the welfare of any enterprising community, regardless of whatever element of progress in other lines it may possess.  We are justified in according a prominent place to Mr. Anzini, who has had broad experience in this line of business and who in 1901 purchased the Junction House at Mountainview, together with a ten-acre and a half tract of land in orchards, mostly apricots and prunes.  Here he has succeeded in building up a trade that is excelled by few others in his section of the country, where he has gained popularity as a landlord, and in connection with his hotel he has a picnic ground known as the Junction Park, which has proved to be a favorite resort for pleasure parties and tourists.  In his new hostelry he is not only able to accommodate the traveling public but also the many families seeking a country resort.  His hotel commands a beautiful view of the surrounding mountain scenery.

     Born January 4, 1865, in the canton of Ticino, Switzerland, which was also the birthplace of his parents, Mr. Anzini is the second in a family of five born to Peter and Lucia (Grandi) Anzini.  In early manhood his father clerked in a store but some years later engaged in the dairy business.  In 1864 he left his native land and located in Marin county, Cal., where he purchased two ranches and again engaged in dairy farming, devoting his time solely to this for a number of years in that locality.  In 1870 he returned to his native land, accompanied by his wife, and he now resides upon the old home place, living a peaceful, retired life.  Two of their sons are deceased, but they still have two sons and one daughter living.

     Educated in common schools of Switzerland, Mr. Anzini left home in 1882 for the United States and proceeding to California, he located at once in Marin county, where he carried on a dairy business for several years.  In 1889 he removed to San Mateo county, and once more engaged in dairy farming, this time in the Alpine District, where he carried on a successful business for three years.  It was in 1892 that he removed to Mayfield and first engaged in the hotel business.  After working eighteen months as hotel clerk, he leased the Mayfield hotel, which he conducted in a creditable manner for seven and one-half years.  At the close of that time he purchased the Junction House, which he has fitted out with modern improvements, and here he conducts a hotel first-class in all respects.

     By his marriage in Mayfield, Cal., Mr. Anzini was united with Miss Louisa Leonardi, who was born in San Francisco and they have two sons, Henry and Daniel, both of whom are at home.  Politically, Mr. Anzini is a Republican, and he is very active in politics, having served as committeeman and as delegate to the county convention many times.  Socially he is allied with a number of fraternal orders, among them the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Druids, of Mayfield; and the Eagles and Masons, of San Jose, having attained the Royal Arch degree in the latter order.  His hard work and sterling business qualities have brought the success which he deserves, the improvement of his property and the respect and favor of the community in which he lives.





Transcribed 4-7-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 1124. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library