San Bernardino County









            San Bernardino County has a capable auditor in Vincent Lawrence Roth, who has occupied the office for nearly ten years.  He was born in Sandusky, Ohio, September 21, 1892, and is a son of Franklin Roth, also a native of that state.  For twenty years the father was commercial agent at Sandusky for the New York Central lines.  For a considerable period he has lived in California and now resides in Ontario, San Bernardino County.  He is a past master of the local lodge of Masons and an elder in the Presbyterian Church.

            In 1909 Vincent L. Roth came with his parents to California, having previously attended the grammar and high schools of Sandusky, Ohio.  When his education was completed he entered his father’s business, with which he was identified until elected county auditor in January, 1923, and his continuation in the office to the present time is an eloquent testimonial to his fidelity to trust and the high quality of his work.

            In 1918 Mr. Roth was married to Miss Cecile E. Hively, of Kansas, and they have two daughters, Evelyn Louise and Clarice Jean, both in school.  At the time of the World War Mr. Roth enlisted in the United States Army and was stationed at Camp Lewis, Washington.  He belongs to the American Legion, and in politics is a Republican, while his religious views are in harmony with the tenets of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  For recreation he turns to outdoor sports and particularly enjoys hunting and fishing trips.  Honest and efficient, he is a public official of high standing and his personal popularity is attested by a wide circle of loyal friends, who are always sure of a warm welcome at his hospitable home in Ontario.



Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Page 35, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.