San Bernardino County












            Well equipped for the work of his profession, David W. Richards is engaged in the practice of law in San Bernardino, with offices in the Anderson Building.  He was born in La Junta, Otero County, Colorado, July 18, 1898, and is a son of David and Matilda (Gray) Richards.  The father, a native of Wales, came as a boy to the United States and lived for a number of years in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.  Removing with his family to California in 1912, he located in San Bernardino, where he still resides, and as a master mechanic he is closely identified with the city’s industrial life.

            David W. Richards, an only child, obtained his elementary instruction in his native state and attended the San Bernardino high school.  He acquired his higher education in the University of Southern California, from which he won the degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1921.  Admitted to the California bar in 1920, before his graduation from law school, Mr. Richards made his initial step in the legal profession as an associate of Judge Allison and soon gave proof of his ability to cope with the intricacies of the law.  He is a general practitioner and enjoys a large and desirable clientele.  While preparing for his profession at the university in Los Angeles he joined the Students Army Training Corps and was in the service of his country at the time of the World War.

            In 1921 Mr. Richards was married to Miss Martha Slater, a daughter of John Slater of New York, and they now have two children, Margaret and David W., Jr.  Mr. Richards’ religious views are in accord with the doctrines of the Episcopal Church, in which he has membership.  He is a member of the San Bernardino Commandery Knights Templar, and has crossed the hot sands of the desert with the nobles of Al Malaikah Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Los Angeles.  He belongs to the American Legion and to the Kiwanis Club of San Bernardino.  A lawyer of high standing, Mr. Richards has been called to the presidency of the San Bernardino County Bar Association, which office he now occupies.  He is a member of the California State Bar Association and the American Bar Association.  In addition to caring for a large and steadily growing practice, he is serving as referee in bankruptcy, performing his important duties in a manner that has won for him unqualified approval and strong commendation.





Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. V, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 457-458, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.