San Bernardino County









            The nature and extent of the legal interests entrusted to Joseph R. Rensch established his position as one of the ablest of the younger attorneys practicing in San Bernardino, his native city.  He was born October 26, 1898, a son of Casper and Lydia (Tyler) Rensch, the former a native of Switzerland and the latter of Red Bluff, California.  When a lad of ten years Casper Rensch came with his parents to California and after acquiring an education took up railroad work.  Steadily advancing, he became an official of the Santa Fe Railroad and was with the company for many years.  His death occurred in 1910 and the mother has also passed away.  They were the parents of two sons and a daughter.

            After mastering the branches of learning taught in the grammar and high schools of San Bernardino, Joseph R. Rensch enrolled in Occidental College at Los Angeles as a member of the class of 1920 but left that institution before the completion of his course to enlist for service in the World War.  Assigned to the aviation department of the United States Army, he was commissioned a flying lieutenant and on receiving an honorable discharge matriculated in the University of California, becoming a member of the class of 1921.  He was admitted to the bar at Los Angeles in 1927 and located for practice in San Bernardino.  He soon demonstrated his ability to cope with the intricacies of the law and now has a remunerative and very desirable clientele, maintaining offices in the Andreson Building.  Elected city prosecutor in 1927 for a term of four years, he brought to his new duties a keen sense of the responsibilities of the office and a clear understanding of the fundamental principles of jurisprudence.

            In 1921 Mr. Rensch married Miss Lucile Ham, who was a native of Indiana and who passed away in 1928, leaving two children, Joseph, Jr., and Mary, both in school.  Mr. Rensch finds his recreation in music and is an accomplished player of the piano and the pipe organ.  He belongs to the Kiwanis Club, is a Christian Scientist in religious belief, and his college fraternity is Alpha Kappa Lambda.



Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 79-80, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.