San Bernardino County









            Qualifying for the practice of law when a young man of twenty-one years, Archie D. Mitchell has since followed his profession in Ontario, his native city, and enjoys an enviable reputation as an attorney and counselor. He was born January 18, 1891, and is a son of John Mitchell, a native of the province of Ontario, Canada, and of Scotch descent. Crossing the border, the father established his home in Ontario, California, and here he has since remained. In former years he served as postmaster, also filling other positions of responsibility, but is now retired. He married Mary Winn, a native of Canada and a relative of President Hoover, both having the same grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell have two sons and a daughter: Archie D.; Fred L., who lives in Santa Monica, California; and Winifred, now Mrs. Val. Meadough, of Santa Barbara, this state.

            Archie D. Mitchell acquired his high school education in Ontario and his advanced studies were pursued in the University of Southern California, which awarded him the degree of LL. B. in 1912. Admitted to the bar in the same year, he began his professional career in Ontario and was alone for a few years, after which he became junior member of the firm of Pollack & Mitchell, having as a partner one of the pioneer lawyers of California. Mr. Mitchell practices before the district court of appeals and is accorded a large clientele. His office is in the Granada Theatre building at 309 Euclid avenue. Public recognition of his legal ability led to his election to the office of city attorney, for which he proved well qualified, and has served for several terms.

            Mr. Mitchell’s first wife was a Miss Armstrong, to whom he was married in 1910, and two children were born to them, F. Delwood and Eleanor. In 1920 Mr. Mitchell was married in Riverside, California, to Miss Frieda Graettinger, a daughter of Alois and Mary E. Graettinger. Mrs. Mitchell’s father was one of the prominent physicians of Wisconsin and retired from practice ten years before his death.

            Mr. Mitchell’s hobbies are aviation and golf. At the time of the World war he was an aviator in the United States Navy, serving with the rank of chief quartermaster, and was stationed at Seattle, Washington. He takes a keen interest in politics and formerly was chairman of the democratic county central committee. He belongs to El Camino Real Club, the Los Angeles Athletic Club and the Los Serranos Country Club. Well known in fraternal circles, he has filled various chairs in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Woodmen of the World and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. However, his best energies are reserved for his profession, in which he has attained high standing, and his membership is with the San Bernardino County Bar Association, the California State Bar Association and the American Bar Association. He is a Congregationalist in religious belief and lives up to the teachings of the church.




Transcribed by Marie Hassard 29 April 2012.

Source: California of the South Vol. II, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 357-358, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis. 1933.

© 2012 Marie Hassard.