San Bernardino County










            Although his professional career has been comparatively brief, Theodore George Krumm has already become well established in practice at San Bernardino and is one of the city’s rising young attorneys.  A product of the east, he was born in Melrose, Massachusetts, January 13, 1906, and is the son of Theodore and Maude B. (Baker) Krumm.  The father, who is also a native of Massachusetts, resided within its borders for many years and then came with his family to California.  He prospered in the shipping business and is now living retired in Redlands, California.  He is a councilman of that city, and a consistent member of the Baptist Church.  To Mr. and Mrs. Krumm were born four children, of whom one is deceased.

            Theodore G. Krumm obtained his high school education at Melrose and his advanced studies were pursued in the John B. Stetson University at De Land, Florida, where he was graduated with the class of 1927, receiving the degree of LL. B.  He accompanied his parents on the trip to California and resided in Redlands until 1921, when he removed to San Bernardino.  With his admission to the California bar, he entered upon the work of his profession and maintains a suite of offices in the Andreson building, which houses his large library of law books.  He devotes much thought and study to the preparation of his cases, basing his arguments upon a clear understanding of the points in litigation, and a large civil practice attests his powers as an attorney and counselor.

            In 1926 Mr. Krumm was married to Miss Jeanette C. Alderman, a daughter of Paul Alderman of Tampa, Florida.  The two children of this marriage are Dorothy Jean and Theodore George (II), the former five years of age and the latter an infant.  Mr. Krumm plays golf for recreation and also enjoys the sports of hunting and fishing.  Engrossed in his profession, he gives to it his best efforts, and has every requisite of the successful lawyer.




Transcribed by Mary Ellen Frazier.

Source: California of the South Vol. V, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 811-812, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2013  Mary Ellen Frazier.