San Bernardino County









            Admitted to the bar nearly a quarter of a century ago, Raymond Earle Hodge has won an enviable reputation as an attorney of San Bernardino, where an extensive and important practice is accorded him.  His offices are in the Andreson building.  Mr. Hodge was born in Denver, Colorado, May 18, 1884, his parents being Morgan C. and Emma J. (Wood) Hodge, the former a native of Ohio.  Morgan C. Hodge was a traveling salesman until he came west to California and took up his permanent abode in Rialto, San Bernardino County, where he taught in the public schools for ten years and has since lived retired.  He is a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  His wife, who was born in New York but reared in Kansas, passed away in the year 1908.  To them were born three children, as follows:  Raymond Earle, of this review; Harry, assistant manager of the Colton Globe Mill at Colton, California; and Victor, who is athletic instructor in San Bernardino, this state.

            Raymond E. Hodge was graduated from the grammar and high schools of Rialto and subsequently attended Leland Stanford Junior University, which institution conferred upon him the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1908.  He pursued the pre-legal course, studied law under the preceptorship of Judge Curtis and following his admission to the bar in July, 1908, spent nearly a year in the law offices of W. J. and J. W. Curtis.  Thereafter he was appointed deputy district attorney under Rex Goodcell, thus serving until January, 1915, when he formed a law partnership with S. W. McNabb, with whom he was associated in general practice until 1926, when Mr. McNabb became United States District Attorney at Los Angeles.  The zeal with which he devotes his energies to his profession, the careful regard evinced for the interests of his clients, and an assiduous and unrelaxing attention to all the details of his cases, have brought him a large business and made him very successful in its conduct.  He served as deputy district attorney from 1909 until 1915 and made a most creditable record in the office.  An earlier biographer wrote:  “Raymond E. Hodge has established himself as second to none in legal acquirements and as a master of the law.  He has created confidence in himself by his handling of cases given to him, and his increasing patronage shows that the public recognizes his skill.  His recreation seems to be hard work and research.”

            In June, 1910, Mr. Hodge was united in marriage to Miss Bernice Anna Knoll, a daughter of Edward J. and Clara Knoll, of Riverside.  Mrs. Hodge was born in Illinois and as a child accompanied her parents on their removal westward to Riverside, California, where she attended the grade and high schools.  She is a member of the Women’s Club of Rialto.  By her marriage she has become the mother of two children:  Robert E., a resident of Rialto; and Geraldine E., sixteen years of age, who is a high school student.

            Mr. Hodge gives his political support to the Republican Party and is an enthusiastic member of the Kiwanis Club.  His religious faith is that of the Methodist Church.  He is a member of the Delta Chi college fraternity; San Bernardino Lodge, No. 348, F. & A. M.; of the Royal Arch Masons; and San Bernardino Lodge, No. 836, B. P. O. E.  Along strictly professional lines he has membership in the San Bernardino County, California State and American Bar Associations.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. IV, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 381-382, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.