San Bernardino County










            Walter J. Hartzell has built up an extensive and lucrative clientage as an attorney of Redlands, where he has been actively engaged in practice during the past two decades.  He was born in Highland, San Bernardino county, California, September 28, 1886, his parents being Joshua and Celia (Hilliard) Hartzell, the father now deceased.  Joshua Hartzell, a native of Ohio, fought in the Union Army at the time of the Civil war.  He came to California in 1876 and was long an active factor in civic affairs and in the public life of his community, serving as school trustee, county horticultural commissioner and in other positions of public trust.  His death occurred in Redlands in 1912.  To him and his wife, who was a native of Michigan, were born four children, all of whom reside in Redlands.

            Walter J. Hartzell pursued his early education in the public schools of East Highlands and was graduated from the Redlands high school in 1905.  His more advanced intellectual training was received as a student at Pomona College, which in 1909 conferred upon the Bachelor of Arts degree.  His professional training was completed in private law offices and on the 17th of January, 1912, he was admitted to the bar.  Throughout the intervening period of more than twenty years he has remained active in law practice in San Bernardino and Redlands, his clientage steadily growing in volume and importance as he has demonstrated his ability in the work of the courts.  He maintains well appointed offices in the Security-First National Bank building and is a director of the Redlands Building-Loan Association.  His name is on the membership rolls of the San Bernardino County Bar Association and the California State Bar Association.

            In 1911 Mr. Hartzell was united in marriage to Katharine Tisdale, of New York, daughter of William M. and Minnie D. Tisdale.  They are the parents of two sons:  William T., a high school student; and Walter, who is also attending high school.

            Mr. Hartzell gives his political support to the republican party and served as city attorney of Redlands for six years, making a most creditable and commendable record in the office.  Fraternally he is affiliated with the Masons, belonging to Redlands Lodge, No. 300, F. & A. M.   Mr. Hartzell has always lived in San Bernardino county and has long enjoyed high standing in civic, professional and social circles here.




Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: California of the South Vol. II, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 451-452, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  Joyce Rugeroni.