San Benito County












            There are but few men in this State who have been more closely connected with the development of our resources, or who occupy a higher position as an enterprising and honored citizen, than Thomas Flint. He traces his ancestry from the first settlers on the American Continent through nine generations---the eldest son having received the name of Thomas in each family. He was born in Maine in 1824; received a liberal education and diploma from Jefferson Medical College in 1849. He emigrated to California in 1851 and returned East late in 1852. In 1854 the firm of Flint, Bixby & Co. was formed at Terre Haute, Indiana. Their enterprise was to purchase stock, sheep and cattle; a drove of which, containing 100 head of cattle and 1,300 head of sheep, arrived in Southern California in January, 1854. From this small beginning, with prudence and good management, this firm has, in connection with other enterprises, been able to purchase 167,000 acres of land in California, and are now the owners of 50,000 acres of the most valuable land, and on which are some of the finest fruit orchards in the State. In their various business connections besides farming, importing and breeding fine stock, they were largely interested staging, in which their Government contracts amounted to $75,000; wool commission, manufacturing beat sugar, and mining gold, silver, quicksilver and iron.

            He was a member of the Monterey county Board of Supervisors for three years, and served four years in the same capacity in San Benito county. He was a member of the commissions to establish the boundary line between Monterey and Santa Clara counties to partition Natividad, Los Virgeles, San Antonio and La Brea ranches (the first two in Monterey county, San Antonio in San Benito county, and La Brea in Santa Clara county), and has served the people in many other capacities. In 1875 he was elected joint senator from Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties, and discharged the duties of his office in an able and satisfactory manner. He is at present a member of the Republican State Central Committee, and was a member of the delegation from this State to the Republican National Convention which met in Chicago in 1884. He is also a director in the Bank of Hollister and in the Monterey County District Agricultural Association.

            Notwithstanding the multifarious duties of his business, and the time devoted to public service, he is a prominent member of a number of fraternal organizations. In the Masonic fraternity he is a Past Master, Past High Priest, Past Commander and a member of the Royal and Select Masters, and the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.

            In 1888 he was unanimously elected Worthy Grand Patron of the Order Eastern Star, and his administration has proved one of the best since its introduction into this State. His wife, Mary A., a highly, intellectual, noted and accomplished lady, served two years as Worthy Grand Matron of California, and Most Worthy Matron of the General Grand Chapter of the United States.

            His marital relations have proved most happy, and this union has been blessed with two sons and one daughter.

            The elder son, Thomas Flint, jr., (sic) is joint Senator from Monterey and San Benito counties, and one of the prominent legislators of this State.

            Dr. Flint has served in the same capacity as Senator, and is at present a Director in the Grangers’ Business Association of San Francisco.

            It is but a just tribute to say that himself and family occupy a high social position; and in all their relations, civic and fraternal, are notable examples of the ideal American Citizen.





Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast,  Page 149, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.




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