San Bernardino County








            Dr. Calvert L. Emmons, health officer of Ontario, and one of the foremost representatives of the medical profession in San Bernardino County, was born in Dawson, Nebraska, July 8, 1882.  His father, George R. Emmons, was a native of Maine and in boyhood made his way westward to Wisconsin.  After attaining his majority he went to Nebraska, where he became a successful farmer and man of affairs.  He came to California in 1903 and lived retired for some years before his death, which occurred in June 1932.  As a young man he married Jane Goldsmith, a native of Wisconsin, and three children were born to them:  Calvert L.; Myrtle, now Mrs. Vane L. Olinger; and Warren, all living in Ontario.

            In his native state Dr. Emmons pursued his education for four years at the University of Nebraska, taking two years of pre-medical work and spending two years in medical school.  He entered in 1906, the University of Southern California and was awarded the M. D. degree in 1908.   As an intern of the German Hospital and of the National Soldier’s Home at Sawtelle, California, Dr. Emmons made practical use of his theoretical knowledge.  At Overton, Nebraska, he began his career as a physician and surgeon, remaining there for five years, at the end of which he located in Ontario, and has since specialized in surgery.  Possessing skill of high order, he has successfully performed many delicate operations and has a large practice here.  His fine X-ray laboratory and suite of offices are located in his own building, recently erected in the heart of Ontario, on its famous Euclid Avenue, which contains the leading theater of the city.  As health officer of Ontario he has also established an enviable reputation, serving for years in that capacity.  With financial affairs of the city he is closely associated as a member of the advisory board of the Bank of America.

             In 1909 Dr. Emmons was married to Miss Minnie Lundgren, of Iowa, and they have three children:  Lowell, a student at Leland Stanford University; Alexis, who is attending junior college; and Louise, a sophomore in high school.

            Dr. Emmons was a councilman of Ontario for two terms, working for the best interests of the city.  He is a past president of the local Lions Club and one of the trustees of the Christian Church.  His fraternal affiliations are with the Masons.  When a medical student he joined the Phi Rho Sigma Society and is also a member of the San Bernardino County, Southern California and California State Medical Societies and the American Medical Association.  The prestige which he enjoys in his profession is indicated in the fact that he was elected president of the San Bernardino Medical Society, which he had formerly served as vice-president and as a member of the board of councilors..




Transcribed By:  Michele Y. Larsen on March 3, 2012.

Source: California of the South Vol. II,  by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 163-164, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012 Michele Y. Larsen.