San Bernardino County











            The career of Frederick A. Charles Drew, though comparatively brief, was a brilliant and successful one, for he gained a place of prominence in business circles of Southern California and as a citizen of Ontario was loved and admired by a host of friends.  He was born October 28, 1878, in Exeter, Ontario, Canada, to which place his father, Edred Drew, had been brought from England as a child.  Edred Drew married Lydia Johns and in 1884 crossed to Canadian border going to Hanford and later taking up his permanent abode in Ontario, San Bernardino County, California.  Here he engaged in the undertaking business throughout the remainder of his active career.  He died in Santa Barbara, California, in 1898 during the Spanish-American War.  His widow, who enjoyed excellent health to an advanced age, died in Ontario, California, in July, 1925.

            Frederick A. C. Drew was a lad of six years when brought by his parents to this state in 1884.  He acquired his early education in Ontario, California, and in Los Angeles, attending the old adobe school, and subsequently entered to Chaffee Agricultural College.  He was a young man of twenty years at the time of the death of his father, of whose undertaking business he then took charge, continuing its management until 1903.  In that year he established the Drew Carriage Company, which became one of the largest firms dealing in farm implements and machinery in this part of the state.  He was regarded as the keenest and most able salesman in this line on the Pacific coast, and his success with his business caused him to be chosen as Pacific coast representative of the International Harvester Company.  This relationship brought him in touch will all the implement houses on the western seacoast.  In 1918 and 1919 he held the record for retail tractor sales in the United States.  In the spring of 1919 Mr. Drew went to Chicago in company with his wife, partly on a business trip to the home offices of the International Harvester Company, but while en route was stricken with influenza, which caused his untimely death at St. Luke’s Hospital of Chicago on the 21st of April, 1919.  He was then in his forty-first year.  Mrs. Drew was offered two hundred thousand dollars for her late husband’s business, but she chose to retain it and exemplified remarkable business qualifications in carrying it forward successfully until such time as her sons reached their majority and relieved her of the burden of management.  Claude D. and his sister, Constance Minter, were managers and trustees of the business for some eleven years until the youngest son, Charles, reached the age of twenty-five, when the business was taken over by the family.

            In June, 1898, at Santa Barbara, Mr. Drew was united in marriage to Miss Florence Higgins, who was born in Picton, Ontario, Canada, November 1, 1878, was there educated and in 1895 came to California with her parents, W. W. and Marion Elizabeth (Barry) Higgins.  Mr. and Mrs. Drew became the parents of three children:  Dorothea, born in 1899; Edred, born in 1902; and Frederick A. C. Drew II, whose natal year was 1904.  Dorothea, who resides at 125 East G Street in Ontario, is the wife of Hubert F. Lucas and the mother of a son, Edwin James, who is the third generation to attend the Central School.  Edred married Blanche Mollard and they have a daughter, Judith, born February 3, 1933.  They also make their home in Ontario.  The youngest son, named for his father, lives with his widowed mother in the old home at 417 West A Street, Ontario.  The two sons are young men of splendid executive ability, untiring industry and unquestioned integrity and have proved worthy successors of their father in the capable conduct of the business of the Drew Carriage Company.

            The late Mr. Drew’s many friends were derived from his extensive business and social relationships.  He was an independent Republican in politics, held membership in the Chamber of Commerce and served as president of the Business Men’s Club for one year.  Fraternally he was affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, while his religious faith was indicated by his membership in the Episcopal Church.  He also belonged to the Pomona Gun Club and he was a good judge of horses.  Mrs. Drew, who survives her husband, is much loved and respected throughout the community in which she makes her home, the circle of her friends being almost coextensive with the circle of her acquaintances.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. IV, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 123-125, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.