Sacramento County








     JAMES A. WOODS.--Among the many citizens and native sons of California who enthusiastically admire the Golden State and are loyal to its interests must be mentioned James A. Woods, the vice-president of the California Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Company of Sacramento.  He was born in Sacramento County, December 11, 1881, a son of James A. and Vida E. (Williams) Woods.  The father crossed the plains to California in 1849, while the mother came via the Isthmus of Panama in 1850; and they were married after arriving in California.  Mr. Woods was a miner for some years, and then engaged extensively in stockraising.  Both parents died in Sacramento County.

     James A. Woods received his schooling in the high school of Elk Grove, Cal., and was honored by being chosen president of the class of 1902; he then took a postgraduate course in the Sacramento high school, was a graduate and president of the class of 1904.  He then took private instruction along electrical and mechanical engineering lines.  His first position was with the county surveyor; then with the light and power company at New Castle power-house; he was then promoted to the Sacramento station, where he filled the position of foreman until 1913, when with others he established his present business and was elected vice-president of the company; this company does electrical and mechanical engineering contract work all over the Sacramento Valley, specializing in irrigation work throughout the county.  Mr. Woods holds a certificate for teaching electricity, mechanical drawing and allied subjects and has spent some time as instructor in the high school and the Y.M.C.A. of Sacramento.  Mr. Woods served as president of the old state Electrical Motor Dealers’ Association of Electrical Contractors and Dealers for several years; he was a director of the Y.M.C.A. when the new building was erected.

     Mr. Woods’ marriage united him with Miss Ruby Satterlee, of Sacramento, and they have one son, Robert J., and a daughter, Ruth C.  Fraternally, Mr. Woods is a member of the Odd Fellows and is an active member of the Rotary Club and the Y. M. C. A. of Sacramento.  Nominally, he is a Republican in politics, but prefers to vote for the man best fitted for the office for which he has been elected.



Transcribed by Patricia Seabolt.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Pages 529-530.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Patricia Seabolt.




Sacramento County Biographies