Sacramento County








      CHARLES H. WIXSON--A very popular executive, whose professional efficiency is all the more appreciated because of his rare personal attributes, is Charles H. Wixson, the secretary of the Scottish Rite bodies, and also of the Scottish Rite Cathedral Association, at Sacramento. He is a New Yorker by birth, having been born at Poughkeepsie, on March 15, 1856, the son of David and Frances A. (McDermott) Wixson, worthy folks held in the highest esteem in that fine old Hudson River town; and he attended the schools of Dutchess County, and later, the Pelham Business College. At the same time that he was spending his early days on his father's farm, he learned the carpenter's trade; and having attained the proficiency of the journeyman, he moved to Rochester, Mich.

      For a year and a half, Mr. Wixson contracted for building, and then he married Miss Jennie Hammond, of New York, an old neighbor, and in 1879 left Michigan for Nebraska, and there organized a district school, which he taught for two terms. He was then elected superintendent of schools of Holt County, Nebraska, helping to organize the school system in an entirely new section of country, and filled that responsible position to the satisfaction of everyone, and with great advantage to the expansion of the school system, for two years.

      Mr. Wixson was next appointed chief clerk of the United States land office, at Niobrara, Nebr., and served the government for the following four years; and then he was for another four years in the banking business at Atkinson. Another four years found him chief clerk in the United States land office at Salt Lake, Utah; and for eight years he was an assistant in the state treasurer's office at Lincoln, Nebr. Returning to Salt Lake, he was made secretary-treasurer of Elgin Creamery Company. In 1903 he went to San Francisco and in 1904 he came to Sacramento for the Earl Fruit Company, and he continued with that firm for thirteen years. He took charge of the Scottish Rite interests in 1916, when their building was first contemplated, and is still in charge. He is a Republican in national political affairs, but a good non-partisan "booster", ready to help all worthy local endeavors. Mr. Wixson is a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason, and a Knight Templar and a Shriner. He also belongs to the Odd Fellows, and is a past officer in both the Lodge and the Encampment. Mr. and Mrs. Wixson have had two children: a daughter, Mabel, now Mrs. G.W. Barr; and a son, Sanford.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Pages 704-709.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Jeanne Taylor.




Sacramento County Biographies