Sacramento County
WINFRED D. WINTERS.--A spirit of enterprise and progress has actuated Winfred D. Winters in all the activities of life; and as junior member of the firm of Wallace & Wallace, construction engineers, he is well known in his line of endeavor. A native son of California, he was born in San Jose, May 17, 1868, a son of John D. and Sarah E. (Harman) Winters. John D. Winters was a mining engineer and for a number of years was superintendent of the Yellow Jacket Mine; he also engaged in farming and from 1878 until 1884 was a manufacturer of farming implements.
Winfred D. Winters began his education in the public schools; then he entered the Vander Naillen School of Mechanical Engineers in San Francisco and was graduated in 1895. After his graduation he worked in the mines as master engineer for a number of years; then he became construction engineer with Allis Chalmers. In September of 1920, in partnership with Mr. Wallace, he entered business for himself, which has proven a lucrative undertaking, the firm being called to different parts of the state in construction work.
Mr. Winters' marriage united him with Miss Freda F. Huber, and they are the parents of one son, Emmett B. Politically, Mr. Winters casts his vote for the candidate best fitted for office, rather than to be bound by party lines; fraternally he is a Mason and a member of the B. P. O. Elks of Sacramento. In the B. P. O. E. he holds membership in Lodge No. 288, at Pendleton, Ore., where he joined several years ago and has never demitted. In Masonry he holds a membership at Neuman Hills Ferry Lodge No. 88.
Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.
Source: Reed, G.
Walter, History of Sacramento County,
California With Biographical Sketches, Page 757. Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA.
© 2007 Jeanne Taylor.